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From the Vedaantic point of view, the concept of Brahman is not like that of the common man's concept of hell and heaven. So there is no question of believing in Brahman for it is not a philosophy.

Brahman is synonymous with bliss and Vedaanta tells you you are synonymous with

bliss. Hinduism is based on the Vedas. And those very Vedas reveal this fact that

through the Mahaavaakyas (great sayings) like"tatvamasi" (Thou art that), "Aham brahmaasmi", etc.

So, one's true nature is bliss and Brahman is one another term to refer to this bliss.

And knowing this Brahman to be your true self is 'Moksha' or liberation!

Belief in Brahman and Moksha:We are supposed to have achieved Moksha when we realize that our life has become perfect and there is no scope for any further improvement. Therefore, we discard all entities that are necessary to change like 'I', Voluntary (manual) force and reasoning.

Thus, after achieving Moksha we lead a life with Self, Involuntary force and logic, all in pure forms. Brahman is nothing but how our life looks in this state. Thus, we can't feel Brahman before we achieve Moksha.

Therefore, a belief in Brahman is a must to achieve Moksha and Moksha converts our belief into an absolute fact.

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Q: Do you have to believe in Brahman to achieve Moksha?
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Does suffering make it impossible to believe in Brahman?

Brahman - the extra ordinary Hindu god:Brahman is the supreme god of Hinduism. It is the god of all Hindu gods. However, paradoxically, most Hindus don't even know that there is a Hindu god by that name.The reason is obvious. Brahman is beyond the comprehension of most human beings, let alone Hindus.It can't be worshiped like any other Hindu god. There can't be an idol, ritual, mantra or belief to appease Brahman.Brahman and suffering: To realize Brahman we must experience chaotic fluctuations in our life. The sufferings have to be so great that even the regular gods can't solve them. Then only we can feel like surrendering to the god of all gods viz. Brahman.Conditions to be fulfilled to be controlled by Brahman:To have belief in Brahman one has to attain Moksha. This is because while we can have partial belief in other gods we must have absolute belief in Brahman. It must be realized that Brahman is pure Involuntary force. Thus, we can't have any kind of control over Brahman. If we try to believe in Brahman before attaining Moksha we would lose control over our life. Therefore, it is not suffering that makes it impossible to believe in Brahman.

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they try to meditate or pray to Supreme God. Also they try to do yoga to get Moksha (liberation).

What is a Hinduisms goal?

The ultimate goal for those who follow Sanatana Dharma is to attain moksha, that is to be freed from the cycle or births in this world. The soul of someone who attains moksha will join Brahman, or they might choose to be born again to guide people.

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What is the ultimate goal of Hinduism?

The ultimate goal for those who follow Sanatana Dharma is to attain moksha, that is to be freed from the cycle or births in this world. The soul of someone who attains moksha will join Brahman, or they might choose to be born again to guide people.