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Yes, when a soul enters purgatory it begins the cleansing process, (removal of sins) so the soul can be purely good and so worthy to be entirely in God's presence (heaven).

In other words a soul in heaven is guarenteed a place in heaven.


Some churches believe that Purgatory is a temporary state before you can go to heaven. While some other churches believe that it is a place for those not good enough for heaven, but too good for hell; and once in purgatory you remain there indefinitely.

Other churches do not believe there is a purgatory at all; they believe that after death people go directly to heaven or hell depending on how God judges them.

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Q: Do you go to heaven after purgatory?
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What it is called when you do not go to heaven or hell?

Purgatory or something like that.

What does purgatory mean?

It means when a soul dies and has not had the last rites they slip into purgatory which is neither hell nor heaven. Purgatory can be looked on as a temporary hell where a soul suffers for its unforgiven sins and then goes on to heaven. It's a Roman Catholic concept.Its a place where you go after you die if you are not worthy to get into Heaven yet, but not bad enough to go to hell

Where do souls go that cant go to hell or heaven?

those few souls would go to purgatory

Where do Catholics get the idea that their soul first goes to purgatory and then people on earth pray for them to go to heavend?

First of all, not everyone goes to purgatory before going to heaven. Some people die and go straight to heaven. Others are not completely free from sinful attachments. Because of their attachment to sin, they are not yet ready for heaven because as the Bible tells us, "nothing unclean can enter heaven." So they go to purgatory where they are purified. Second of all, the prayers of people on earth are not necessary for someone to go from purgatory to heaven. It is God who purifies the souls, and He doesn't need anyone's help. However, He allows us to participate with Him by praying for those in purgatory because as the Bible tells us, it is good to pray for one another. We pray for those in purgatory not because it is necessary for them to go to heaven, but because it is a charitable thing that God allows us to do for each other.

Can one go to purgatory from hell?

According to Catholic doctrine, once a soul goes to hell, it is believed to be a permanent separation from God. Purgatory is seen as a place where souls are purified before entering heaven, so the concept of going from hell to purgatory is not a part of traditional Catholic teaching.

What is your opinion about the Christian belief that some of the souls of sinners are placed in purgatory for cleansing purposes before they can go to heaven?

OpinionThere is no such place as "purgatory" mentioned in the Bible. And there is no scripture in the Bible that says: "go to heaven."See related question link provided below.

The difference between Catholic and Protestant views of what happens after death?

The only major difference is that Protestants believe if go to heaven you go straight to heaven. Catholics believe for most people you have to go to purgatory before you go to heaven.

What must you do to get to heaven?

you must go through a step called purgatory. this means that somebody has to pray for you to get out. because you're in purgatory, you're guaranteed to travel to heaven. you'll never know for how long though. this is where your sins will be released from your soul.

Do animals go to heaven when they die?

No they go to purgatory along with all the heathens and unbaptised babies you got a harsh faith

Do you go to purgatory if you were good or bad when you were alive?

Some Christians hold that if you were good, but still a sinner (as we all are, according to most divisions of Christianity), you go to Purgatory where you are purged of your sins. For how long? Possibly until Christ rises again. Others say for some determined amount of time. Purgatory is especially part of the Catholic tradition, I believe. Personally, my definition is this: Hell is where you go when neither you nor your significant whoevers can forgive each other, Purgatory is where you go when you are waiting for your wife to forgive you, and Heaven is where go as soon as you quit worrying about those who would put you in hell or purgatory! So, I just entered Heaven, but I know both Hell and Purgatory always have their doors open for me! How about you?

What happen to people who died back then?

They go to Heaven, Purgatory, or Hell like everyone else does today when they die.