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Q: Do they know today the carried on bloodline of Jesus?
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Daddy is an adopted pitbull so we can know the bloodline. It belongs to Cezar Milan.

What inpact did Jesus have on the Romans?

Jesus himself had little or no impact on the Romans. He had very little contact with them in his lifetime. In fact, the Romans did not even know who he was, as they had to have someone (Judas) point him out before they could arrest him. It was the followers of Jesus who carried his message to Rome.Jesus himself had little or no impact on the Romans. He had very little contact with them in his lifetime. In fact, the Romans did not even know who he was, as they had to have someone (Judas) point him out before they could arrest him. It was the followers of Jesus who carried his message to Rome.Jesus himself had little or no impact on the Romans. He had very little contact with them in his lifetime. In fact, the Romans did not even know who he was, as they had to have someone (Judas) point him out before they could arrest him. It was the followers of Jesus who carried his message to Rome.Jesus himself had little or no impact on the Romans. He had very little contact with them in his lifetime. In fact, the Romans did not even know who he was, as they had to have someone (Judas) point him out before they could arrest him. It was the followers of Jesus who carried his message to Rome.Jesus himself had little or no impact on the Romans. He had very little contact with them in his lifetime. In fact, the Romans did not even know who he was, as they had to have someone (Judas) point him out before they could arrest him. It was the followers of Jesus who carried his message to Rome.Jesus himself had little or no impact on the Romans. He had very little contact with them in his lifetime. In fact, the Romans did not even know who he was, as they had to have someone (Judas) point him out before they could arrest him. It was the followers of Jesus who carried his message to Rome.Jesus himself had little or no impact on the Romans. He had very little contact with them in his lifetime. In fact, the Romans did not even know who he was, as they had to have someone (Judas) point him out before they could arrest him. It was the followers of Jesus who carried his message to Rome.Jesus himself had little or no impact on the Romans. He had very little contact with them in his lifetime. In fact, the Romans did not even know who he was, as they had to have someone (Judas) point him out before they could arrest him. It was the followers of Jesus who carried his message to Rome.Jesus himself had little or no impact on the Romans. He had very little contact with them in his lifetime. In fact, the Romans did not even know who he was, as they had to have someone (Judas) point him out before they could arrest him. It was the followers of Jesus who carried his message to Rome.

How will learning about what Jesus did affect Christian's lives today?

If Jesus didn't die as a sacrifice for sin then there would be no Christians. So it is very important for a christian to know what Jesus did and what that means for all people. Today that means a christian can be at peace with God.

How do you know that today is Jesus's birthday?

It's called a bible so they wrote down when it happened. Everybody knows that.

Why did the Romans target Jesus for execution?

There is no evidence that the Romans wanted to do this. Jesus was not a political but a religious leader. He stated to Pilate, 'my kingdom is not of this world.' Pilate however gave in to the pressure put upon him by the Jews and gave the order for his execution, despite the fact that Pilate admitted Jesus was innocent.

How do you say bloodline in Japanese?

(名) 血統(Thats how you write it, but I don't know how to say it.)

If Jesus came back today and took a tour of the Earth would he be pleased?

Jesus knows all! Find him get to know him for yourself. Then you can answer that question for yourself. Read the BIBLE. GOD BLESS!!

When people see images of Jesus - in their tea leaves etc. - how do they know it's Jesus when it might be one of his mates?

* No one alive today has ever seen Jesus, so you wouldn't be able to tell who it was that you are seeing in your tea leaves.

Did Jesus find this religion?

Jesus was an observant Jew. There were several sects of Judaism as there are today. He disagreed with some of the practices of his time and set about "improving" the overall tenets. Casting out the moneylenders was only one example. His disciples "founded" the sect we know today as Christianity.