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did you know that God told us to keep the sabbath not the first day of the week? "remember the Sabbath the day by keeping it holy... but the seventh day is a sabbath to the lord your god...For in six days the lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is them, but he reste n the seventh day. Therefore the lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy." (exodus 21:8)

you can also look up genesis 2:2

going to church on Sunday is from Catholic not from bible. In The Bible, God never asked us to keep the Sunday holy or worship on Sundays.

Yes you are quite right a Pope made it a Sunday by divine intervention.

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Q: Do they go to church Saturday or Sunday?
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Is Sunday sleep in day?

Saturday is sleep in day. Sunday is go to church day.

How may Japanese people go to church on Saturday?

no one they go on Sunday

If you go to church on Saturday night do you have to go on Sunday?

No, technically it's a vigil Mass, which counts for your Sunday obligation.

What day do most people in the world go to church on Saturday or Sunday?

They go to church on saturday or Sunday because children are of school and Saturday is the day god rested so we pray to him

What day should you really go to church?

You should go to church on Saturday It depends on your religion. Some say Saturday some say Sunday. Some religions do not need churches. There are also people who are not religious According to the Bible, Saturday is the true Sabbath. The Catholic Church has also admitted that they changed the day to Sunday and that Saturday is the true Sabbath.

What must you do on a Saturday?

if you are catholic or christen than there is really nothing important to do with the religion to do on a Saturday only on Sunday when you have to go to church . but you can do bible study or something on Saturday.

What do people do in church at holy week?

People in Holy week pray and go to Church on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Ester Sunday.

Are they very religious in Ireland?

Ireland are not very religious we go to mass/Church every Sunday or Saturday

Who change the Saturday to Sunday?

Answer:The Catholic Church.

Do kids go trick or treating on Saturday night or Sunday night?

it depends on what day October 31st is. If it is Saturday then Saturday if Sunday then Sunday

When is the best time to go to church?

The best time to go to church depends on one's religion and church schedule. Many people go to church early on Sunday. Some others go on Wednesday or Saturday. Some who practive alternate, earth-based religions often go to "church" when the moon is full.

Do Catholics believe in going to church on Saturday?

The days do not matter, it's just that Sunday is considered a holy day. Catholics may fulfill their Sunday obligation by assisting at Mass on Saturday evening.