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There is no problem having your child baptized even if you were not a baptized as a Catholic as long as you intended to raise the child as a Catholic. You might wish to check with your pastor and see what can be done to 'bring you up to speed' with the sacraments and get confirmed, however.

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Roman Catholic AnswerYou need to speak with your pastor to find out the specific rules in effect for your diocese.
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Q: Do the parents have to be confirmed to baptize in the Catholic Church?
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I was baptized a Roman Catholic but confirmed Orthodox and I married a Greek Orthodox can I have my nephew baptized in a Catholic Church?

Since you are confirmed Orthodox and married a Greek Orthodox, the Orthodox Church requires that any children you may have should be baptized Orthodox. Also, as an Orthodox, you are not allowed to baptize your nephew or any other person in a catholic church. From the Catholic point of view, unless your nephew is to be reared a Catholic, he may not be baptized in the Catholic Church. If he is to be reared Catholic, either by his parents or godparents, the Church will receive him. No you are GREEK orthodox u must not I reapeat not baptisma your child at a catholic church.

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Can you baptize a baby in the Catholic Church named Holly or Penny?

Parents may name their children as they see fit and if the name is Penny or Holly, so be it, as the Church does not forbid parents the right to name their progeny.

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Do children of a non-Catholic and Catholic have to be baptized?

If the couple was married in the Catholic Church then, yes, at the time of their marriage the couple promised to baptize and educate their children in the Catholic Church.

What does it mean to be a Confirmed Catholic?

To be a member of the Catholic Church means to believe in Catholic Christianity and be a official in the Roman Catholic Church and/or attend a Catholic Church.

Do the god parents have to be confirmed to baptized in the catholic church?

Yes, at least one of them has to be confirmed and catholic. The other (of opposite sex) needs to be Christian and can be entered in books as Christian witness but can stiil be called godparent

Cana child be baptized by their parents?

Yes, anyone, even an unbaptized person can baptize in emergencies. But if it is not an emergency then the child should be baptized in the Catholic Church. If the Church denies baptism, then it should not be done.

How an infant baptism is conducted in catholic church?

You would have to ask a Catholic Priest. Baptist don't baptize babies

Can a person get re-baptised in the Catholic Church after joining the Church?

If you were baptized in another church, you do not get baptized again. The Church recognizes the one baptism as valid.Roman Catholic AnswerYou may be baptized if the original baptism was not valid. You should check with the priest. If there is some question, they may baptize you conditionally, "if you are not already baptized, I baptize you in the Name of the Father..." as to attempt to "re-baptize" a person is very wrong.

Do you have to be confirmed in a Catholic Church to participate in Lent?

No, you do not need to be confirmed to participate in Lent.