Yes. The federal government does not recognize same sex marriage.Yes. The federal government does not recognize same sex marriage.Yes. The federal government does not recognize same sex marriage.Yes. The federal government does not recognize same sex marriage.
No US president has been Amish. I do not know about their church government, but if they elect presidents., they must have had more than one by now.
They do not use welfare and they do not use Social Security.
No more so than it is for Methodusts or Lutherans.
It is Amish...if it is homemade. But you have to be Amish, or are not Amish. But, homemade. amish.. no its amish if it fails at life ....see
The Amish originated from Switzerland in the 1600's. Swiss Amish - Switzerland Amish.
Amish are called Amish because the founder of it was Jacob Ammann
yes < it was
Amish Butter is butter mixed in with things that the Amish crops then mixed and hardened into Amish Butter!
Yes, non-Amish can go to Amish church. They will probably ignore you though.