On December 7th 2010 Tuesday is Muharram,and is the first month of the Muslim calender.
It corresponds with Sunday of the planetary week. Islamic days begin at sunset
As a Muslim, we don't believe in ghosts, we believe in jinns.
Ramadan lasts for approximately one month. The dates are based on the lunar Muslim calendar and change every year. It is either 30 days or 29 days.
You are a Muslim if you believe in Islam.
Catholics do NOT believe Muslim is evil and believe in the goodness of all people, regardless of faith
Muslim ascetics, like all Muslims, believe that there is no god but God and that Muhammad is the Messenger of God. They are monotheists and believe in the Qur'an.
A Muslim is a follower of Islam by definition, so yes.
Yes the Muslim religion has both a hell and a heaven
Yeah you can but only if you were Muslim. If you were not a muslim, you would have to convert to Islam (BUT NOT IF YOU DIDN'T BELIEVE IN THE RELIGION!)
Awal Muharam 1430H shall be on Sunday, 28th December this year. 1st Muharam marks the beginning of the Hijri (Muslim) Calendar, and Muharam is the first (lunar) month in this calendar. It is held to be the most sacred of all the months http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Day_of_Ashura Well According to the Immamiah Jantri Muharram should be starting on the 30th December with the shub being 29th. There should be the 30days of Muharram with 40 days of chaalishwah. Basically 70 days in total so it should finish on the 15th March.
??? what.. if you believe in Islam then your a Muslim