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The contradictions among the various gospel stories mean that scholars believe that no one was really a reliable witness to Jesus' resurrection appearances. Moreover, there is nothing that James wrote, or even attributed to James, that mentions the resurrection of Jesus. If James did actually see the risen Jesus, he left us nothing to tell of his experience.

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Q: Do scholars believe James is the most reliable eyewitness to Jesus' resurrection appearances?
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Is the writer of Matthew's Gospel mentioned in it?

A:Matthew's Gospel was written anonymously and therefore does not mention its author. It was attributed to the disciples Matthew later in the second century, but biblical scholars say that the Gospel could not have been written by an eyewitness to the events portrayed.

Which version of the Bible is closest to the original Greek?

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What story of Jesus was told by an eyewitness who was not one of the disciples?

A:The only stories that we have about the life of Jesus are the gospels. These were actually anonymous until they were attributed to Matthew, Mark, Luke and John later in the second century. However, modern New Testament scholars say there is no good reason to accept those attributions and that none of the gospels could have been written by eyewitnesses to the events portrayed. Thus, we do not have any story about Jesus that was written by an eyewitness.

What are the eyewitness accounts about Jesus called in the Bible?

Unfortunately there are no eyewitness accounts of the life or teachings of Jesus anywhere in the Bible or elsewhere. Even conservative Christians concede that the Gospels of Mark and Luke were not written by eyewitnesses. Scholars say that all the New Testament gospels were written anonymously and that they were not attributed to Matthew, Mark, Luke and John until later in the second century. They say that the Gospels of Matthew and John were unlikely to have been written by the disciples of those names, so that even these gospels were not eyewitness accounts. The gospels are certainly accounts about Jesus, but they were not written by eyewitnesses or even by some who knew eyewitnesses.

Did Saint Matthew write the first gospel?

No. Scholars have demonstrated that Mark's Gospel was written first, and that Matthew's Gospel was partly based on the contents of Mark's Gospel. Matthew's Gospel was originally written anonymously and only attributed to St Matthew later in the second century. However, scholars say that Matthew could not have been written by an eyewitness to the events it portrays.The disciple Matthew did not write any of the gospels.