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There are many different theories about the relationship of God and science, or the relationship of God and natural processes as described by science. We could easily claim that it was God who created those natural processes. Or, we could claim that since natural processes explain how the universe works, God becomes an unnecessary hypothesis. You get to choose your own theology.

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Q: Do natural processes take God out of the picture?
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No, the weather is governed by natural processes, like everything else. If God does control the weather, then its a pretty nasty God (hurricanes, tornados, floods, droughts, lightning strikes, etc).

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Science doesn’t have the processes to prove or disprove the existence of God. Science studies and attempts to explain only the natural world while God, in most religions, is supernatural.

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The natural world was created through various natural processes over billions of years, including the formation of the Earth, the development of life through evolution, and the shaping of landscapes through geological processes like erosion and plate tectonics. It is a complex and ongoing dynamic system that continues to evolve and change.

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Well...there is certainly a FAKE photo of clouds shaped like God's hands. Jeanette Howard in Valdosta, GA

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Earthquakes and natural disasters are typically caused by tectonic movements, volcanic eruptions, or other natural processes. While some people may view them as acts of God, they are generally regarded as natural occurrences with scientific explanations.

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Depending on one's beliefs, man was either created by a deity (such as God in the Christian faith) or evolved over time through natural processes.

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The Passover Lamb for one was a picture of the Lamb of God who was to come and take away the sins of the world.

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What's more, the text for being in the picture of God, and remaining in the picture of God, would be Genesis 1:27: "God made man in his own picture, in the picture of God he made him; male and female he made them" β€” man and lady similarly in the picture of God as we were made. And afterward, after the fall, Genesis 9:6 says, "Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man will his blood be shed, for God made man in his own picture." at the end of the day, here you have the picture of God working morally and ethically in Genesis 9 as a warrant for the death penalty despite the fact that all people have now become heathens. So being a delinquent doesn't mean we have stopped being in the picture of God.

Does God cause natural disasters?

No. Natural disasters are from natural causes. Maybe we can say God allows natural disasters.

Is jack newman god?

there is a picture of him on google though there is a picture of him on google though