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No, it is not necessary that religious people lead a more meaningful life, but spiritual people do. Whether you are religious or not hardly matters because religion is just a kindergarten, it teaches the ABC of theology. It doesn't build a spiritual philosophy which is needed for us to be liberated from all the misery and all the suffering. Therefore, whether one is religious or not, is not the key subject. What is important is spirituality. Spirituality teaches us the true meaning and the true purpose of life. It makes us realize that we are not the body, mind, we are the Divine Soul. It leads us forward to live a life of meaning and purpose, to be liberated from this world and to be united with the Divine.

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Reuben Corwin

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3y ago
can you explain your answer?
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14y ago

Yes. Anyone with a consistently applied belief system does.

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Q: Do intrinsically religious people lead a more meaningful life?
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