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a: Because they are misinformed.

a: It is our nature to be compassionate, nurturing and expect justice. When a person believes that God must be in control of misfortune and causes suffering - or cannot prevent evil acts, misfortune and suffering; they prefer not to believe in such a God. They "project" expectations onto the divine, rather than seeing themselves as responsible agents made in God's image.

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If the universe was created by a God who is all-knowing, all-powerful and perfectly good, then there ought to be no evil in the world. Over the centuries, theologians have struggled with this dilemma, attempting to explain the existence of both God and evil.

In philosophy, this is called the problem of evil and suffering. If God is all-powerful, all-knowing, all good, and the sole creator of the world, then why is there evil and suffering? The problem can only be resolved if at least one of these propositions is false. Therefore if God is all-powerful, he is either not all-knowing and is therefore unaware of all the evil in the world, or he is not all-good and is unconcerned about all This is not the God of the Bible.

The more straightforward explanation of the existence of evil and suffering is that God does not even exist, as many people now believe.

B: (Islamic point of view)

The existence of evil & suffering has led some people to wrongly deny God !!

This happens when a whole religion is abbreviated in some points until they seem to be contradictory with the fact of the existence of evil.

Yes, God is the all-powerful, all-knowing & all-good but that's not everything. For example, God is also the all-Wise. His unlimited wisdom allowes evil to exist but it never allowes it to triumph in the very end.

We believe in the Heavens & the Hell. If there is no evil at all then the existence of the Hell would be meaningless & useless. Therefore, the religion would be imperfect because it teaches the existence of the Hell !

If every single thing in this universe is good & all people are purely good. Then why wouldn't we all go to the Heavens? I mean what are we doing here in this life? what is the test we are required to pass?

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If I understand this question correctly, it is "evil" that causes suffering that is from the divine prospective. However, in my opinion I believe the opposite is true that people rather seek solace in religion in times of suffering.

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8y ago

When a person is taught that God is omniscient, omnipotent and all-good, but then sees misfortune and suffering that their God could have prevented, he or she will naturally begin to doubt whether that God truly exists. This can lead to other questions being asked about the faith, until it becomes evident, at the very least, that there is no evidence for God.

Not all atheists and agnostics begin from a concern about good and evil, but this is just one of the paths from theism to Atheism or agnosticism.

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actually the suffering and evil is a part you have to understand. The Bible is straight when it comes explaining this issues.

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If they are looking for goodness or happiness they may be attracted to one who is all good and knows about real happiness.

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No; they most certainly do not prove that. Nothing can prove that.

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Q: Do evil and suffering prove that god does not exist?
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A:In philosophy, this is called the problem of evil and suffering. Evil must come from somewhere, but if God is all-powerful, all-knowing, all good, and the sole creator of the world, then why is there evil and suffering? The problem can only be resolved if at least one of these propositions is false. Therefore if God is all-powerful, he is either not all-knowing and is therefore unaware of all the evil in the world, or he is not all-good and is unconcerned about all. Evil and suffering exist because at least one proposition of religion is false.

Why do evil suffering cause some people to reject belief in god?

People may reject belief in God if they hear or see of evil and suffering because they are told he is omnipotent, omnibenevolent and onmiscience. So if they are told he is all of these then why cant he stop the evil and suffering?

Why do evil and suffering cause some people to reject belief in God?

Some people struggle to reconcile the existence of evil and suffering with the idea of a benevolent and all-powerful God. This can lead them to question or reject their belief in God's existence, as they see these things as incompatible. The presence of evil and suffering in the world can challenge their faith and raise existential doubts about the nature of God.

Does evil exist?

no evil doesn't exist, evil is simply the absence of god. Evil is a word that man has created to describe the absence of god. Evil is a result of what happens when man does not have God's love present in his heart.

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Christians do not believe God participated in any problems of evil and suffering. The Scripture clearly shows that it was/is man's choice to depart from God and His Law of Righteousness to follow the god of this world - ha Satan who is the main cause of evil and suffering in this world.

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according to Islam God created human and universe to God be known. God has many attributes. human can not know the entity of God and only can know God by attributes of God. an attribute can be known only when its opposite exist. for example if cold not exist warm has no meaning so God created evil to good (attributes of God) be known for each good there is an evil Islam says evil actually not exist and evil is absence of good

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Gods prophets, and God does exist there are any Islamic miracles to prove this.

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In philosophy, this is called the problem of evil and suffering. If God is all-powerful, all-knowing, all good, and the sole creator of the world, then why is there evil and suffering? The problem can only be resolved if at least one of these propositions is false.

Proof god doesnt exist?

It is not possible to prove God doesn't exist, just as we can't prove fairies, elves and unicorns don't exist. The inability to prove something doesn't exist does not therefore mean that it does exist. It is not possible to prove that there is no teapot in orbit around Pluto, yet the lack of such a proof doesn't mean that the teapot therefore exists. There have been several attempts to prove that God exists using logic (eg Kalam cosmological argument, Transcendental Argument for God [TAG]), but these are not universally accepted as valid and true - if they were then there'd be no need for any further discussion.

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The question of free will: Does free will truly exist, or are our choices predetermined by factors beyond our control? The problem of evil: If God is all-powerful and all-loving, why does evil and suffering exist in the world? The nature of reality: Is the reality we perceive through our senses truly the ultimate reality, or could there be deeper layers of existence beyond our comprehension?

What is the epicurean hypothesis?

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