baptist believe once saved always saved where as freewill baptist do not believe this. I am freewill baptist i hope this answer helps you :)
Baptism and Eucharist
If by Eucharist you mean the elements distributed by the priest at mass, then no, not all denominations believe it relieves sins.
Since the Ancient Egyptians lived before Jesus, they had no beliefs about the Eucharist.
it is what we believe
Baptism & Eucharist
No, He was a baptist and Baptist groups do not believe in sainthood.
No, both believe in the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist. The ones who don't believe this are most of the Protestant groups.
to baptise people in the baptist church. Baptist churches only baptise adults because they believe that
the calvinists only perform Baptism and Eucharist
They believe life begins at birth
No, they are Baptist.