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I can't answer for all atheists, and will not attempt to do so.

"Atheism", means you are without a religion, it does not mean that atheists hate religion.

Many Atheists are hostile towards religion in general, mainly due to the discrimination these religions teach, there's no point arguing against this, The Bible teaches as much discrimination as any other holy book, such as stoning homosexuals, or killing infants.

Some Atheists hate Christians more.

Some Atheists hate Muslims more.

Some hate Sikhs.

Some hate Jews.

Most hate Jehovah Witnesses, and other religions that knock on your door handing out leaflets to stop you burning in eternal damnation. (Along with the rest of the world.

And some Atheists simply don't care.

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The question as posted can have two interpretations. The firsts "Do atheists hate Moslems more than Christians hate Moslems" and "Which is the first on the atheist hate list - Moslems or Christians"

  • Atheists do not have a belief in god, they have no group or unified position on any other topic (any more than bald people have a unified position on the best flavour of ice-cream). Trying to guess what a majority of a group of people feel is almost impossible unless you quiz them all. A Moslem or a Christian is just another person who believes in a god. Neither is particularly hated any more than a person who needs a "lucky rabbit's foot" to get through the day.
  • As far as whether Christians hate Moslems more than atheists hate Moslems, the first part of the answer indicates that Islam and Christianity are pretty much just examples of non-atheist behaviour to atheists. Christians and Moslems are, on the other hand, competitors for converts and believers and probably see each other as the team to beat. This implies that they would dislike each other more than atheists dislike either of them. It should be noted that Christians and Moslems may dislike atheists more than they dislike each other (At least they have one thing in common)

A brief aside: The concept of hate is probably not applicable in most normal human interaction. Terms such as dislike, are in opposition to, have problems with the position presented by and similar terms are more appropriate. Hate tends to be all consuming, leaving little else in a person's life.

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