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All members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) are asked to pay a tithe, but it is not a requirement for membership in the Church.

You can learn more about what Mormons believe about tithing at the "Related Links" below.

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Yes. Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) believe in giving a tithe (10%) of their increase to the Church. It is an expectation (although not a requirement) that members who are active in their congregations tithe.

Money collected from tithes is used to pay for building maintenance, congregation activities, curriculum materials, missions, and humanitarian and charity efforts. Church leadership does not receive compensation for their service to the church and therefore are not paid out of tithing funds.

You can learn more about what Mormons believe regarding tithes at the "Related Link" below.

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Do Mormons speak English?

Mormons in English speaking countries do, but no not all of them do.

What state is inhabited by Mormons?

All states in the US are inhabited by mormons, Utah having the largest population.

Where did the Mormons adventists and shakers all originate from?

Mormons, Adventists, and Shakers all originated in the Restoration Movement which grew out of the Second Great Awakening.

Does God hate Mormons and saw fit to embarrass them in this Presidential election?

No. Mormons aren't embarrassed. Most Mormons don't even live in the US and therefore didn't really pay much attention to the presidential election. There are also hundreds of thousands (if not a million or more) Mormons who supported Barack Obama in the election. Having someone who happens to be a member of the same religious denomination as you lose a presidential election is not embarrassing. I, as a Mormon, certainly don't feel embarrassed, nor do I know of any other Mormons who feel embarrassed. The general feeling among Mormons who supported Romney is disappointment, but happy that he had a great campaign. Church leaders have asked all Mormons to congratulate President Obama on his victory and to pray for him and all other government leaders.

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All of them

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If you give to another Christian does that count as a tythe?

As long as you give your collectio, even to another church it is counted as a tithe.

Where was the Mormons family from?

There are millions of Mormon families living all over the world. They aren't all related, nor are their families all from the same place. You can see how diverse Mormons are at