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No, they do not. While the general rule is to abstain from meat on Friday, ordinaries can request an indult from the Vatican and be excused from the obligation. If a Catholic is from a diocese with the indult they can make a personal decision to either abstain or do some other form of penance or service on Fridays.

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Q: Do all Catholics in all countries abstain from eating meat on Friday?
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Is Good Friday a day of abstinence for Catholics?

Yes, Catholics should abstain from eating meat on Good Friday, Ash Wednesday and all Fridays during Lent.

Use the word abstain in a sentence?

During Lent , Practicing Catholics ABSTAIN from eating meat.

What do Catholics call not eating meat?

Abstinence or to abstain from meat.

Do you eat FISH until Good Friday or eat meat until Good Friday?

Catholics abstain eating meat during Lent on every Friday of the season. Fish can be eaten on this day, just not red meat.

Did the Catholic Church used to suggest eating fish on Wednesday?

On Ash Wednesday, Catholics would abstain from meat and fast. On Fridays, Catholics would abstain from meat.

What 2 days do Catholics abstain from eating meat?

As a practising Catholic, i know that Friday is one of the days catholics abstain from eating meat, however I'm sorry i did not know that there was a second day. Also, to clarify to some people, meat as in chicken, beef, pork. Fish is not counted as meat, it is fish. Yes, all the Fridays of Lent and also on Ash Wednesday.

Did people not eat fish on Friday to keep the fishermen in business?

No, the reason behind eating fish on Friday is a form of sacrifice since it is the day of the week that Jesus died for us. It is because Catholics over 14 are supposed to abstain from meat on Friday and we eat fish!

Are Catholics the only ones that do not eat meat on Good Friday?

Roman Catholic AnswerCatholics "not eating meat on Friday" is called abstinence and is done to mortify the Body out of respect for the day on which Our Blessed Lord gave up His Life for us on the Cross. Whether other people abstain or not would be a matter you would have to ask them, not Catholics.

How many Christian faiths abstain from eating meat on Good Friday?

Primarily, Catholics do not eat meat on Good Friday - day they believe Jesus died on the Cross - under the 'rules of fasting and abstinence of the Catholic Church. See related link below:

What 2 days of Lent do you have to follow special food rules?

On Ash Wednesday and Good Friday Catholics over 18 must fast - eat only one larger meal. Catholics over 14 must abstain from eating meat on all Fridays during Lent and on Ash Wednesday.

Is not eating meat on Friday still a law of the Church.?

Yes, Friday abstinence is still the law. However, people are now allowed to either abstain from eating meat or do some other form of penance or good work on Friday instead.

What is the purpose of not eating meat on Friday?

Catholics avoid eating meat on Fridays ONLY during the Lenten season (Good Friday is the last Friday of Lent).