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Answer 1

yes , alawites really believe that ali is an incarnation of allah but they are exaggerator and immas denied them.

Answer 2

The typical Muslim response, as exemplified by Answer 1, is that Alawites believe that Ali is an incarnation of God and therefore, Alawites are barely Muslims or are Unbelievers. The truth is much more confusing than that, especially since most Alawites are secretive about the tenets of their faith to avoid persecution. Incarnation requires that something exist in the flesh which is not what Alawites claim for Ali. Rather, their argument is that Ali, Mohammed, and Salman the Persian, were not really beings of flesh and blood but Divine Illusions through whose presence God can be known. However, since they are only emanations of the Divine, they are not worshiped but rather are "spiritually studied" in order to see behind the veil of the illusion and grasp the true nature of God.

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Q: Do alawites really believe that ali is an incarnation of allah?
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