

Best Answer

No, we don't believe in Jesus, we have a god and goddess.

Another Pagan View.

Although by and large most pagans do not worship Jesus, that is not to say we do not believe in him as a "good man" and prophet of another spiritual path. The tenets taught by him and followed by the exemplary members of his spiritual path are good and righteous, and are to be admired. Those of us who choose to follow our own spiritual paths are good and righteous people in our own right. Many of us could not be told (by our actions and ethics alone) from what are considered "good Christians. Where we differ is that in our respect for the paths of others we ask only that they respect our paths, we do not proselytize.

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Q: Do Wiccans believe that Jesus Christ is the son of god and was crucified for mankind's sins?
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I believe He was thirty-three when He was crucified.

Did the wiccans worship Christ?

They can. The Wicca religion does not mandate that you drop beliefs in other religions, so many Wiccans do worship Christ. Still, many others do not. Wiccans are accepting of others' beliefs and values, so you can be a Wiccan and still worship Christ.

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Christ was crucified in the Roman period of history.

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Islam does not believe that Jesus Christ was crucified because it views him as a prophet, not the Son of God, and teaches that he was not killed on the cross. Instead, the Quran asserts that someone who resembled Jesus was crucified in his place, while Jesus was raised up to heaven by God. This belief is rooted in the Islamic understanding of Jesus' mission and role as a prophet in Islam.

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I believe that the most famous limestone quarry be the one which is located at the former hill of Golgotha where Christ was crucified.

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Because they did not believe his miracles nor his words, and when he told them plainly that he was the Christ, the son of the Blessed, they crucified him.

How did they kill Christ?

He was crucified on a Roman cross.

What was the Crucifixion?

The Crucifixion of Christ marked the beginning of Christianity. Christians believe that Christ, the Son of God, was crucified so that we would not have to spend eternity apart from God, who cannot bear the sight of sin.

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Pontius Pilatus the sixth governor of Judaea was the leader of the Roman forces when Jesus Christ was crucified.

Do Mrmon's believe Jesus died on the cross?

Yes. Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) believe that Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross for the sins of the world, and that if we accept this sacrifice and have faith in Jesus we can receive salvation.