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Q: Do Sikhs go to confession
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When do the Sikhs go to the Gurdwara?

There is no one particular day in the week, which is better or more auspicious for Sikhs to go to the Gurdwara. Each day is treated exactly the same as any other. The majority of Sikhs will tend to go on a Sunday, merely due to convenience.

Is it compulsory for Sikhs go on pilgrimage?

No, pilgrimage is not compulsory for Sikhs. However, some Sikhs choose to go on pilgrimages to important historical and religious sites such as the Golden Temple in Amritsar, but it is not a mandatory practice in Sikhism.

Do Sikhs still have Seva today?

Yes, Sikhs still do Seva today. If you go to any Gurdwara in the world you will see Sikhs doing seva.

Do you have to go to confession if you don't have mortal sins?

As you put the question, no, you must go to confession once a year, regardless, and you must go to confession anytime that you are in mortal (serious) sin. Without going to confession you may not receive Holy Communion without damning yourself. Those are the only times that you are required to go to confession.Outside of that, you need to go to confession regularly if you have any desire whatsoever to grow in the spiritual life, and obtain heaven. Once a month is the absolute minimum for that.

What are the symbols for confession?

The Symbols for confession is not to ask this on the internet, ask your mom. or go to church

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Does a priest go to confession?

Yes he does

How do you go to confession in the Lutheran church?

Confession is incorporated into the normal church service in the Lutheran church.

Why do Sikhs go to the Granthi for advice?

They go there to worship their lord. They go there to pray.

Do Sikhs believe that animals go to Heaven?

Sure why not

Do Maronite Catholics have to go to confession?

Roman Catholic AnswerAll Catholics should be going to confession, it is one of the precepts of the Church.

How do you get over gluttony?

go to church and make a confession