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Most Protestants, like the Catholic Church, do not follow the Jewish sabbath day as described in the Old Testament (ie Saturdays). Instead they used the Christian sabbath which is Sunday - the day of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

The "Christian sabbath" was never authorized by YHVH. The Sabbath has always been and will always be the 7th day of the week. It's not a "Jewish" sabbath day. It is for everyone to observe. The 4th commandment (as was all of Torah) was given to the twelve tribes of Israel as well as the rest of the world! Read your bible and you will find the verification of this statement!

YHVH said emphatically in Isaiah/Yesha'yahu that HE NEVER CHANGES! Neither does his WORD! If you observe any of the unHoly days such as Sunday, Christmas or Easter then you are participating in a pagan festival which YHVH condemned!

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It was the Jewish people who changed it to Saturday. Long as I've been here, the Sabbath has been on Sunday and nobody changed it.

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The Jewish people celebrate the Lord's Day on Saturday (meaning Sabbath). The early Christian community decided to worship on Sunday as that was the day Our Lord rose from the dead, when He appeared to His apostles and when He sent His Holy Spirit to the apostles on Pentecost. The Protestants had nothing to do with the change. They did not come on the scene for 1500 years after the change was made.

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A Sabbath-day is a day kept holy as the Sabbath.

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Assemblies of God do believe in the Sabbath.

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The 7-Day Adventists believe that Sabbath should be kept from Friday evening to Saturday evening

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The real sabbath day according to the Bible is the seventh day of the week (our Saturday). God blessed the seventh day of creation and set it apart for holy use. And He told us to remember and keep the sabbath day holy in the ten commandments. Many Christians believe the sabbath is now Sunday, but the Bible nowhere speaks of any change in the sabbath day. There is no such thing as a "Sunday Sabbath" because the Sabbath [the 7th day] looks back and is a memorial to creation, while Sunday [the 1st day] commemorates the resurrection but also looks ahead to the return of Jesus Christ. They are not the same

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Some people are workaholics who believe resting is "wrong and bad".Answer:Sabbath days are established by religions for their followers or believers, As a consequence those who are not members of that religion would not observe that specific sabbath day. Some people belong to no religion, have no religious affiliation or belong to philosophies that have no sabbath days. In that case they would not have to observe any sabbath day.

What are the Sabbath days for Islamic Judaism and Christianity?

For Judaism Shabbat starts Friday at sundown and ends Saturday at sundown. For Christianity, its Sunday. Islam sabbath begins on Thursday at sunset and ends on Friday at sunset.

When is the sabbath for Christians?

Most Christians have the Sabbath (Capitalize Sabbath if you don't mind) on Sunday. ---------------------------------------------------------- This is a question of considerable debate. Some Protestants believe that keeping the seventh day Sabbath (Saturday) is the only way to exclusively follow the Bible. Others argue that Jesus rose on the 1st day, therefore reestablishing a new Sabbath. The truth is that there is nothing in scripture that implicitly states that the Holy Sabbath was ever changed to the first day (Sunday).

What do protestants believe that Christians don't?

Protestants are Christians.

Is Sunday is the Sabbath day?

It depends on what you believe!!!Some Christians think the Sabbath day should be on Saturday (7th day) because that was when God rested in the Creation.But most Christians think that the Sabbath day should be on the Sunday (1st day) because that was when Jesus rose from the dead.