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The Sunnah or Hadith consists of the teachings, sayings, and actions of Prophet Muhammad. This information was meticulously reported and collected by his Companions. It is essentially an elaboration of the Qur'anic verses that shows how they are to be implemented in one's daily life ALLthe true Muslims agree about that

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Q: Do Muslims have any other extra-biblical writings other than the Qur'an?
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Related questions

What is Muslims's daily routine?

five prayers a day reading the holy quran and carrying out the practices prescribed for them in the quran. Other than that Muslims live like everyone else

Do all Muslims have to have a Qur'an?

Most of them do. The point is not about having the Holy Book of Quran, it is about reading it and working by the instructions in it.

Why do people want to burn the Koran?

May be that is how quran is treated by other religion because Quran says other than Muslims all others are infedels and kafirs. So, let Quran escape from burning from the infedels and kafirs

Why do Muslims teach Arabic in school?

Although the Quran is now available in languages other than Arabic, Muslims prefer to read it in Arabic if possible.

how do muslims show respect to the qur'an?

Muslims pay respect to Quran through the following aspects: · following Quran commands, as real God words, as what to do and what not to do. · reciting Quran frequently to be closer to God and to be rewarded and forgiven by God. · memorizing as much as possible of Quran · listening carefully and respectably to Quran when recited by others · studying Quran and studying Quran interpretations · not touching or reading in Quran while not on valid ablution · not reading in Quran, by women, while in their menstruation (period) · physical keeping of Quran holy book in a clean pure place above any other books and not to be covered with other books. in addition to dealing with the Quran holy books with care and respect.

How do the teachings of Quran affect the everyday life of Muslims?

Quran teaches Muslims: * how to worship God, * how to be tolerant and kind, * how to treat non Muslims, * how to be of good morals and conduct, * how to be patient and thankful to God, and * many other teachings that lead to having good Muslims towards themselves, their community, and their God. Refer to related questions below.

Why were writing of shah waliullah important?

Shah WaliUllah writings brought him great fame and prestige and enabled him to have influence in other areas too. for example , in economics he emphasised the need of social justice and for peasants and craftsmen to be truly valued for their contribution to the economy.

What is Muslim's daily routine?

five prayers a day reading the holy quran and carrying out the practices prescribed for them in the quran. Other than that Muslims live like everyone else

What 4 things are mentioned in a surah in quran that are forbiden for Muslims?

alcohol, blood, pork.......and one other thing

How is honor shown to the Qu'ran?

They show respect by never putting stuff above the Quran. Muslims do not the touch Koran if their bodies and hands are not clean. they respect the book enough that they put it before all of the other books and read it with respect. They hold the book with both hands and read it while sitting. When someone happens to be reciting the Koran other Muslims stay silent and listen to what the other person is saying.

What is mosque to Muslims?

Mosque to Muslims is God house where Muslims gather for praying, studying Islam teachings, and reciting Quran. Like how a Christians go to a church on Sunday (or any other day to pray), Muslims go to the Mosque on Friday (or any other day to pray).

Why do Muslims respect Christians and Jews as the people of the book?

People of the book refer to Jews and Christians as believers in the holy books, respectively, the Torah and the Bible. They are treated by Muslims with full respect for three reasons:First, they are believers in same God (Allah in Arabic) as Muslims, andSecond, Muslims are commanded in Quran to be kind with Christians and Jews. Refer to question below for more information.Third, Muslims believe in Torah and the Bible as holy books revealed by God to Moses and Jesus (Peace be upon them).