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Barbarism in this aspect means peace. Because in some modern versions of The Bible, barbaric is a term used to describe peacefull. All Muslims believe in peacefulness of the Sharia law

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Q: Do Muslims all believe that the harsh or even maybe barbaric sharia law aspects are right or rather helpful to the regions that practice it in totality like some of Somalia?
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Is Somalia a Muslim country?

yes there are mostly Muslims but not all

What is the dominant religion in Somalia?

Most of the people in Mogadishu are Muslims. Of these the majority are Sunni with some Shia and Sufi . The Shaf'i school of Islamic jurisprudence is well represented.

Do people in Somalia celbrate Christmas and why?

They don't celebrate Christmas because they are Muslims

What is the group called that wouldn't let non Muslims send aid to Somalia?

Al Shabaab

What do Somalian call santa?

They don't. Christmas is not a thing in Somalia, which is controlled by hard-line Sunni Muslims.

What are some facts about Somalia?

Somalia is bordered by Djibouti to the north west, Kenya to the south west, the Gulf of Aden with Yemen to the north, the Indian Ocean to the east and Ethiopia to the west. Somalian people are also really good at soccer! Most people in Somalia are Muslims!

What is one unique thing about the people of Somalia?

their Muslims and the best people on earth dudeyeah somalians rule go somalians

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Are people in Somalia ethinic or religious?

Somalia's religious history is varied but the predominant religion in the country is Islam with the majority of Muslims being Sunni. Other Islamic groups also exist in the country. Less than one percent are Christian.

Who sperd Islam to Somalia?

The Somali merchants who dealt with their Arab neighbors were the first people who embraced Islam because of the Arab generosity and honesty they saw from them and they further spread them in Somalia. Also some Muslims migrated to Somalia. At those times the city of Mogadishu known as the City of Islam.Info was taken from wikipedia article for more info visit this site

Where are the Muslims?

The main body of Muslims live in a roughly elliptically shaped region that extends from northwest Africa to the borders of China east-west, and from Turkey in the north to Somalia in the South. For more detail please see the link.

Where do Arab Muslims settle?

Arab Muslims settle in:North Africa (including Sudan, Djibouti, Comoros, Mauritania, and Somalia)Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Gulf countriesSyria, Lebanon, Palestine occupied territories, Jordan, Iraq