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Yup. Here's the Plan of Salvation in a nutshell:

We started out in a spirit world with heavenly father, and then when we're born, we pass through the 'veil' that keeps us from remembering our time in the spirit wold w/ heavenly father.

Then we live our merry old lives.

Then, when we pass on, we go to another spirit world. There are two parts-"spirit heaven" and "spirit prison". Good people in the heaven part, bad people in the prison part.

Jesus comes again(the 2nd Coming), and then the spirits are reunited with their bodies(except the bodies are now perfect. Example: you lost your arm in a war, now you have an arm; mentally disabled person is no longer mentally disabled, etc). Then comes judgment day, when heavenly father decides which of the 3 kingdoms you go to. The way he will judge will be fair, and only he knows how to do it.

When you're judged, you go to one of three kingdoms, or somewhere else. The first and best kingdom is the Celestial kingdom, where heavenly father himself lives. The second is the Terrestrial kingdom, and the third is the Telestial kingdom. The 'somewhere else' is called outer darkness.

And then finally, there you stay for the rest of eternity.

lol ^^^

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Jesus Christ is the central teaching of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints.

Secondly, is the REALITY of life after death.

The belief is that the Spirit, or Soul, is eternal. It existed with God before birth and will endure beyond death. We believe in the literal resurrection of the body and the spirit to perfect form, never to die or feel pain again. We believe we will be judged according to our works and desires. The works of God continue. Improvement and progression are one eternal round. There is no end.

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Q: Do Mormons believe in life after death?
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You will have to ask the Mormons in their category on this site.

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Mormons believe that they will die and go to one of the three heavens:Celestial (being where God is), Telestial, and Terrestial.

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There are no facts on what happens after death, if heaven exists there or not. If you believe in it you believe in it. The Mormons can be right or they can be wrong. Clearly other religions would not agree with them.As for what Mormons teach regarding this, the answer is NO. Mormons believe that as God loves all mankind, He wants to allow as many as possible to return to him and live with him in heaven. They believe that a huge majority of people will go to heaven, and only a very small part will be damned. They also believe that people may accept the gospel of Jesus Christ after death, before they are judged. In fact, the whole reason Mormons build temples is so that they can be baptized for those who have died. They believe that if they are baptized for someone who is dead, that person will have the opportunity to accept the baptism and and be saved. There are some links about this topic under "Related Links" below.

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