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Only the most conservative of Mennonites would shy away from the camera. Most churches have directories with pictures and names of their members.

The Amish are the people most likely to shun the cameraman...... with a reference to not having any graven image as their reasoning.

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Q: Do Mennonites believe in having their pictures taken?
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To give a better view of our world as a whole, round and not flat.

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Wish I'd Taken Pictures was created in 1996.

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Walt Whitman did not particularly like having his picture taken. He was known to be quite camera-shy and felt self-conscious in front of the camera.

What is Facebook's policy on posted photos?

I believe the policy is that the pictures are clean and if they are reported by other people that you could get in trouble or your account being taken off.

Where can you find pictures of all the different kinds of cameras?

Pictures of the cameras themselves, or pictures that were taken from the camera? If it is pictures of the cameras themselves, Google Images works fine. For pictures that were taken from the camera, go to Flickr and type in the camera model to see its pictures.

Are space pictures true pictures?

Yes, space pictures are real images captured by telescopes and spacecraft. They provide valuable information about the universe and help scientists study astronomical phenomena. NASA and other space agencies often share these images with the public to promote scientific literacy and inspire curiosity about space.

If you found naked pictues of somebody would you tell them?

If there is nude pictures of someone, chances are they probably know that they exist, meaning that you don't really have to tell them about it.If, however, this happens to be pictures that was taken without the person knowing it, such as e.g. pictures taken of someone who was unconcious when it happened, and you have reason to believe the person in question do not know about it, then yes, I would tell them.The person has a right to know, and if the pictures was taken without permission or without the person knowing at all, it could be (and probably is) a crime.

Is the Canon PowerShot or EOS better?

From my personal experience I have found that Canon PowerShot is better because it has way more options then the EOS Camera. Having more options means to me that better pictures can be taken, or different styles of pictures.

What is the special function of an infrared camera?

A infrared camera takes pictures in the dark or dimly lighted places. You will be amazed to see how much clearer your pictures turn out when taken in dim or no lighting with the infrared camera. It's a difference you won't believe!

When was the first picture taken via satellite?

August 14, 1959. The pictures were taken by the satellite, Explorer 6. It was launched by the United States. These were the first pictures taken of the Earth from space.