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With a few exceptions such as Hitler and Haman, it is impossible to answer categorically.

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Q: Do Jews really hate anybody
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Was there really a reason to hate jews?


Does lucille hate you?

She didn't really hate anybody she was moody at times but later on in the years

Who does Synyster Gates hate?

Synyster Gates does not actually hate anybody. He sometimes jokes that he hates Johnny, or Zacky, or some of the other band members. But he doesn't really hate anybody.

Is it legal to kill Jews?

Killing Jews is wrong from a moral and legal standpoint and will land you in jail, same way killing anybody will. Jews are also humans; they happen to belong to a minority which some people hate. Why people hate them is a mystery; ask 10 people and you'll get 12 different absurd answers.

What does Megan Fox hate?

Well Im not sure anybody really knows except for her the people and her family. But im sure if she Disliked anybody then she wouldn't talk about them :)

Do Jews hate name Sophia?

No, Jews do not hate the name Sophia. There are many Jews with that name.

Why does Shylock hate Jews?

Shylock did not hate Jews. Shylock was a Jew.

Why did Jews hate dogs?

Wrong. Jews don't hate dogs.

What did Hitler's hate campaign have to do with the Jews?

The Jews were the target of Hitler's hate campaign.

Why did christians hate jews in elizabetan time1?

True Christians do not hate Jews. Nominal Christians may hate them because they are a different religion.

Is Zayn Malik hate Jews?

No, he is not hating jews.

What was some of the reasons why hitler was able to convert so many germans to hate the jews?

Hitler did not really convert Germans to hate the Jews. Germany was already an anti-Semetic society when Hitler came to power and therefore, it was easy for Hitler to convince Germans to go along with his plans for Jews.