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No. Fort Knox is a military installation that does hold gold bullion, but it is owned by the US Government.

The Federal Reserve Bank is not a typical bank, and nobody really "owns" it. It is a government institution that operates independent of the three main branches of government and sells or buys American government debt to control the supply of money.

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Q: Do Jews own the Federal Reserve Bank and Fort Knox?
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When were banks created?

i hate 12345 lpmstudent1 My gess is the 3 milleniume

When will Jews leave the Westbank?

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It depends on how the term is meant. "Torah Jews" can mean more than one thing. If the definition is: Those who live the laws of the Torah (which is the way the phrase "Torah Jews" is usually used), then it is understandably common to reserve that description for observant Jews. It is indeed customary today to call observant Jews "Torah Jews"; so the answer to the question is Yes. The word "Orthodox" is seen by many Torah Jews to be an exonym, i.e. a term applied to them by non-Orthodox, whereas they prefer the term "Torah Jews". If the definition is: Who is Jewish according to the Torah, then Torah Jews would include non-observant Jews, because they don't cease being Jewish. All Jews, regardless of levels of observance are "Torah Jews" since their Jewishness is derived from the Torah's mandates.