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yes they are

answered by george bailey on the 17/3/10

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Q: Do Jews love money
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How do you say love Jews in Hebrew?

to love Jews = אהב יהודים (ahav yehudim) I love Jews = אני אוהב יהודים (ani ohev yehudim)

How much money did it cost the United States to get the Jews out of Germnay?

The United States did not get the Jews out of Germany, so they spent no money on that.

What do Jews think of g-d?

The Torah teaches Jews to love and revere God.

How do Jews say word love?


Do you like Jews?

I not only like them, I love them! The Bible tells us we must love the Jews.

Why are Jews good with money?

Throughout history, Jews lived in poverty, and learned from their experiences.

If the Nazis hated the Jews why they receibe money?

This question is confusing. Why did THEY receive money: are your referring to the Jews receiving money? If so when? Are you referring to the Nazis receiving money? If so, when. The Jews did not receive any reparations from the Germans for nearly 5 decades. The Swiss Banks took forever to give the money that belonged to the Jews back to them and some are still trying to get their money. Jews who paid Nazis did bribery payments to either get them free or not report them to the SS. Please retype your question if my information did not come close to answering your question.

How did the Jews have more money then the Nazis?

They didn't

What does Japan depend on?

Killing Jews for money

What did the Jews do when they were in labor?

jews lived the ghetto life when they were in labor cause the natzies killed jews and they weren't meny jews to love if men in women where separated and killed

What has the author LOVE AND MONEY written?

LOVE AND MONEY. has written: 'Strange kind of love'

Do non-Jews love Jews?

Yes. Only bigots hate them. Not necessarily. It depends entirely on the person.