

Best Answer

Answer 1

Those who know don't say; and those who say, don't know.

Answer 2

Ohhhh ... here we go, folks ! Wouldn't you just know it. "The Jews" when you get right down to it are all "against Americans", and they have "agencies" that run "secret missions" in order to . . . to . . . to . . . to do what ? ? I don't know, but we all know those Jews, cunning and clever and smart as they are. I don't know what it is that they're up to, but it can't be good for our great country.

Sounds to me a lot like another speculation rooted in hate, fed on ignorance, and sustained by stupidity. A lot like "I heard somewhere that Obama beats his wife and kids and the Secret Service covers it up. I don't know if I believe it, but anything is possible, and you never know about those people ... after all, they're not like us. What do you think ?"

Answer 3

Jews do not have secret or clandestine organizations, certainly not ones that have the power and mobility to conduct espionage. Even Lutherans, who are far more numerous lack such organizations. However, both Israel and Sweden (countries with large Jewish and Lutheran populations respectively) run successful intelligence agencies whose stated goal is to protect the citizens of that country using means including espionage. While Israel has such an organization, it is a tool of Israeli politicians, not the Jewish people and concentrates the majority of its efforts on countries that actually mean Israel harm as opposed to allies like the United States. (This is not to say that the Jews as a group would make a different decision, but they are not involved in the process.

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Q: Do Jewish intelligence agencies run clandestine missions in the US against Americans?
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