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Jehovah's Witnesses believe and teach that they are the only true followers of Jehovah God and Jesus Christ and all other religions are under the control of Satan the Devil.

Jehovah's Witnesses are made up of a two class system: "The Anointed" and "The Great Crowd of Other Sheep", the anointed are made up of 144,000 that will rule with Christ, and the Great Crowd of Other Sheep are everyone else that Jehovah and Jesus deem worthy at the time of Judgement (i.e. those who have associated themselves with God's Organisation, his sole channel of communication; the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.). This Great Crowd of Other Sheep with have an earthly hope, being recreated on Earth after this wicked system of things has been destroyed with fire; as in the days of Noah.

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Q: Do Jehovah Witness believe in One Body under God?
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Is there any special preparation of the body in a Jehovah witness death?

No there is no special preparation of the body.

Why is the body not present at a jehovah's witness funeral?

This may depend on tradition.

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Modest swimwear and a body of water.

What are the qualifications necessary to be on the governing body in Jehovahs witness?

Why don't you ask one of Jehovah's Witnesses the answer up there ^ is not true. I am a Jehovah's Wittiness and most Jehovah's witnesses do not set out to be on the governing body they set out to serve Jehovah God , to the best of their ability and as for how it is done i do not know but you could call the branch of Jehovah's Witnesses (the phone number is on the back of most of their books and magazines)The members of Jehovah's Witness governing body must be male with many years experience in Christian service. They are not voted into the position by Jehovah's Witnesses as a whole.

Can only white men be on the governing body in the Jehovah's witness?

No, currently Samuel Herd is a member and he is not white.

Are there special rituals for death for Jehovah's Witness?

No Jehovah's witnesses don't believe anything happens after death so they do not feel the need to have and 'rituals' when a loved ones dies however they will have a funeral. Also in different cultures they may have different ways of dealing with death but as a religious body there is not special ritual.

Can a non Jehovah's Witness female be a bridesmaid in a Jehovah's Witness wedding?

I have seen it occur on one occasion, and cannot find anything in Watchtower literature to say no. Answer 2: All of Jehovah's Witness aim to not offend others and show love of neighbor. However, our first priority is to honor Almighty God Jehovah. It is a personal decision to make but in order for a wedding to take place at a Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses, the Elder body would have to give approval. See Jehovah's Witnesses official website for the 11/15/07 Watchtower "Questions from Readers."

Is the body of a Jehovah's Witness brought to the Kingdom Hall?

Assuming you mean a dead body, I don't know of any sanction to say it cannot but I have never seen it myself.

What was Gerald Levert's religion?

Gerald Levert despite common knowledge was a devout christian. No Gerald Levert was a Jehovah Witness. His parents cremated his body.

Which group does not allow blood transfusions because they believe that taking blood into the body is morally wrong?

The group is know as "Jehovah's Witnesses". They believe that receiving blood transfusions are the same as drinking blood, which is stickily forbidden in the old testament law and repeated in the new testament book of Acts where Gentile believers were to "they keep themselves from things offered to idols, and from blood, and from strangled, and from fornication." The problem comes down to whither or not transfusions are drinking blood or not.

What do Jehovah's Witnesses believe about the use of diabetic finger sticks?

My father has type 1 diabetes, and he is a Jehovah's Witness. The prohibition on blood for JW's stems from the Bible's command at Acts 15:28,29 and other passages in the Bible. Our understanding of the scriptures is that we must avoid taking blood into the body. Since the samples of blood that are taken are not re-injected into the body, and are actually disposed of after the test procedure, there is no problem with the use of these types of testing divices for JW's.

Can a Jehovah's Witness do Yoga?

Can yoga be practiced simply as a physical exercise to develop a healthy body and a relaxed mind, without any involvement with religion?' In view of its background, the answer would have to be no.