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That's called 'BRIBERY', which is one of the great sins in the Bible.

In fact just the opposite - - we never hurry anyone. Some surveys indicate that the average time it takes to become a Witness is approx 2.5 years.

That allows for enough --TIME-- for all the 'anti-Witness' material to hit their fan. The anti-witness material includes all the 'cult' callings; all the apostate material of previous witnesses who left (they're pretty well organized and articulate). You can't bribe anyone not to listen to the mountain heaps of anti-witness material from relatives, friends, the internet, etc.

That also allows for them to see how the feel about 'no more birthdays / no more Christmas / no more Halloween, etc etc. You can't bribe anyone to stop those things.

It also allows enough time to see how they feel about doing the door-step ministry. You can't bribe anyone into that feat.

It also allows enough time for them to see how the feel about the MORAL requirements. You can't bribe someone to stop 'living together'; to stop having pre-marital sex; to stop smoking; to stop swearing. That comes only with TIME, and DESIRE.

I think that about covers it all.

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Q: Do Jehovah's witnesses gift gifts to convert people?
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Do Jehovah's Witnesses exchange wedding gifts?

Yes. There is nothing pagan in origin about wedding gifts or wedding anniversary gifts.

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Yes, they believe giving gifts is a proper expression of love, generosity and concern for their fellow man.

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Jehovah's Witnesses have no objection to receiving gifts; they don't celebrate holidays that have pagan origins.

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I think so, I do anyway.

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you give people gifts because the wise men gave gifts to Jesus

How do you send gifts to people on moshi monsters without being a member?

You can't send gifts to people unless you are a paid member. The gifts are bought at Gift Island and you can only go there if you are paid member. You can, however, receive gifts.

What is the most gift in symbolic gifts?

every person want to give gifts which is different from others people gifts. and also time of choosing the gifts you can analyse what am bying.