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No, not necessarily if circumstances do not permit. Many JWs in good standing are confined to nursing homes and can not go door to door. They still strive to preach when opportunities present themselves.

Jehovah's Witnesses use every method possible to help people learn what The Bible really teaches. THis may include witnessing by telephone rather than going door to door.

Regarding door-to-door:

First: Christ Jesus himself gave the 'mandate' in Matthew 28:19, 20.

Secondly: Jesus himself set the example of the METHOD he used. Matthew 10:12-14 uses the word: 'house' 3 times instead of door; but door-to-door would be acceptable.

Many scholars and theologians agree that this type of door-step ministry is what all Christians should be doing.

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You wont have to wait long to learn the answer to this question. Wait for them to knock. They are in almost every county of the USA.

But I will answer from my experience.

Jehovah's witnesses can be identified by three appearance distincts.

First is the clean shaven face. Not often do Witnesses go door to door wearing a beard. Their well groomed hair, short hair cuts for males, sometimes long for females. And not over bearing make-up. Some ladies do not push it to far.

Second is the cloths they wear. Never is it too flashy. The males often wear a three peice with tie, colors of the peice vary as well as the tie, but its nothing too bright or fashioned in expensives. Three peices include pants and jackets that match,and a shirt, usually white, but could be other colors, never plad or multi colored. Dresses are often pretty and long, never do females wear skirts. You might see some females wear a long coat, but their appearance of formality remains the same.

Finally is the items they carry. Usually the Watchtower and Awake can identify Jehovah's Witnesses. But those are not always there. One item is, though. The bible translation entitled "The New world Translation of the Holy Scriptures."

These three factors are not seperate. You will see Witnesses meet all the requirments needed to make a good impression.

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10y ago

Jehovah's Witnesses go door to door every day of the week.

They do not hold any day as special, but their personal schedule does affect which day is more convenient for them to participate in the door to door ministry.

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