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Not in the sense that some part of us continues living when our body dies. The Bible tells us the the soul that sins dies. (Ezekiel 18:4, 20)

We believe that when we die we are in a sleep-like condition until we are resurrected back to life. (Ecclesiastes 9:5, 10; compare John 11;11-14.)

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Jehovah's Witnesses believe that death is the end of life. They believe that when animals or humans die they are totally unconscious. When you blow out the flame of a candle it is gone and exists no where... The bible aslo says that a soul and a physical body are the same thing.

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12y ago


The Bible doesn't teach that we 'HAVE' a soul. It teaches that we 'ARE' a soul, --just as animals ARE souls. (Genesis 1:20, 24 where many translations use the word 'soul' for 'animals'.)

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9y ago

No. They do however take marriage to be a sacred union of a man and woman. Jehovah's Witnesses believe the Bible does not teach that the soul is a separate or spiritual part of the person. Rather they believe that it teaches that the soul is the whole person or individual and therefore dies when the individual person dies but can later be resurrected by God. Where as a "soul tie" is defined as being linked eternally in the spiritual realm, so that would conflict with their beliefs on what the soul is.

Jesus words at Matthew 19:4-6 "In reply he said: "Have you not read that the one who created them from the beginning made them male and female and said: 'For this reason a man will leave his father and his mother and will stick to his wife, and the two will be one flesh'? So that they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore, what God has yoked together, let no man put apart."

They take this union of persons to be sacred, but not a literal soul tie as defined by current descriptions of spiritual connection.

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Q: Do Jehovah's Witnesses believe that animals have a soul?
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Do Jehovah's Witnesses believe in Reincarnation?

No, the belief that an intangible "soul" is reborn in one or more successive existences, which may be human or animal is believed to be reborn in another body is not considered a bible teaching by Jehovah's Witnesses. Jehovah's Witnesses believe that at death a person ceases to exist.For further information see RELATED LINKS below.

Do dogs have a soul?

The concept of a soul is largely subjective and based on individual beliefs. Many people believe that animals, including dogs, have unique spirits or energies that are sacred and deserving of respect and love.

Which religions do not believe in the soul?

Some branches of Buddhism, especially the Theravada tradition, do not believe in a permanent, unchanging soul. Instead, they emphasize the concept of anatta, or not-self. Similarly, some interpretations of Jainism also do not uphold the concept of a singular, eternal soul.

Do Hindus believe in the soul?

yes, Hindu's do believe in the soul because they believe in reincarnation the rebirth of the soul in various forms

Only human being have souls?

well i believe that most animals have souls too. if you believe in reincarnation then you may believe plants do too, but no not only humans. anything that has emotion has a soul.

What is the meaning of 'animal spirits'?

This means just what it says - the spirits of animals. Native peoples believe that everything on Earth has a spirit or soul.

Why does the Catholic Church believe that animals do not have souls?

The Church believes that all animals also have souls but they are not immortal souls as man has. In other words, once the animal dies, so does its soul.

Will animals be raptured just like when they were saved during the Flood?

Most people believe that animals will not be raptured because they have no soul. The Lord says He will be creating a New Heaven and a New Earth. Perhaps this regards to new animals to populate it as well.

Where does the soul of insects go after their death?

The concept of a "soul" is a human contrivance. No other animal, but Man, makes up stuff like gods, heaven, souls, etc. It's all make-believe. my addition on the matter: If one considers that human being is the 'animalia superioris' (a higher form of the animal planet), then like all other animals they do not have soul. 'Soul' is a term considered by religion. What is answered by ethics, moral, philosophy? Idealistic view is a continuation of the religious thoughts, Materialistic view is ...may be the answer is in Darwinism, Oparin, Marx etc,. "No soul"... not before death, not at life, not after death. Soul and 'carrying life (being living) is not shared by aetheists AGAIN, The SOUL of the human go to the same place, where the soul of animals go. (of course if someone believe that 'living beings' both animals and humans are having souls. Who do not believe that, 'none have souls' means... everything comes to an END, when there is biological death (applied both to animals and humans). This is not my personal opinion, its a though shared by the philosophers by years and ages. Thanks: akfara

What do Christians believe in the soul?

We believe that when we die, our body remains on earth, but our soul goes to either Heaven or Hell.

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I believe it was Soul ?

Did the tudors believe in the soul?

yes they did