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People of all religions pees in a cup when the doctor asks for it. There's no shame in that.

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Q: Do Islamics pee in cups
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gloves and pee cups

When do islamics fast?

During the month of Ramadhan.

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What did the islamics wear?

They wear the Islamic Hijab

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the ancient Islamics invented the sword

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What is the sacred text of islamics?

Quran the holy book

Who do Islamics believe in?

they believe allah the one and only god

What is the name for the islamics religion?

MUSLIMS are followers of the religion ISLAM

Can you pee in a coconut bra?

You can pee while wearing a coconut bra. If you are asking whether it is possible to urinate into a coconut bra, that is also possible but much easier with larger coconuts and if you are a male.