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Some do and some don't. Being an existentialist doesn't necessarily involve denying the possibility of the existence of a higher power.

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Q: Do Existentialists believe in God
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What is atheistic existentialists views on the meaning of life?

We believe in life, and that life does exist.

What do existentialists believe about virtue?

Existentialists believe that virtue is defined by taking responsibility for one's own actions and decisions, and living in accordance with one's own authentic values and beliefs. They emphasize the importance of personal freedom, individual choice, and self-awareness in shaping one's moral character.

What do existentialists believe in and how would they explain the role of the individal?

They believe that people create their own essence and meaning of their lives. They would say that each individual is entirely free and has a responsiblity to create ethical parameters for his own behavior. Existentialists start with the premise that individuals come into existence in an established world that cannot be thought away, and that their existence is more basic than any meaning ascribed to human life.

What are the two main components of existentialism?

choice and responsibility. existentialists believe that all are born blank slates and that existence precedes essence. in other words, they believe that your actions determine who you are although you have to bear the responsibility for those actions.

Do Indians believe in god?

No they did not believe in god

how many people believe in god?

I believe in god. also, write why u believe in god :)

Did god make bedbugs?

If you believe that God made the world and everything in it, then you must believe that God made bedbugs. If you don't believe that God made the world, or if you don't believe in God, then you likely do not believe that God made bedbugs.

Man who does not believe in god?

Someone who doesn't believe in God is an atheistSomeone who is not sure whether there is a God or not is an agnostic.Someone who does believe in God is a theist

Why is your God the right God?

Because you believe he is the right God for you. It's what you believe that matters, not what someone else presume you believe or not believe in.

What god did Sikhs believe in?

They believe in one God.

Did there believe in god?

Most cultures believe in a God.

Why do people believe that Muslims believe in a different god?

I am a Muslim and we believe the same god is you but we say Allah (GOD)