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Not really, Christians use a text based on the Torah that was modified to support the teachings of Christianity.

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Q: Do Christians use the Torah
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Why do Christians use and believe in the Torah?

Christian use the Bible.

How was Tanach altered by Christians?

It wasn't. Back during the early days of Christianity, the Torah & the Writings known as the Tanach were written down for 4 different Jewish sects: The Pharisee Torah; The Essen Torah, the Samaritan Torah, & I believe the Saducees Torah. The Torah & Tanach which the Christians used for the Old Testament came from the Essene Torah & Tanach, whereas, the ones that would ultimately become of use for mainline Judaism, ever after the dawn of Christianity, came from the Pharisaic Torah & Tanach.

How do you say Bible in Latin?

The word "Bible" is from the Greek "Biblos", which means "Book" in English. The Latin word for "Book" is "Liber".Incidentally, this is where the word "Library" comes from. When Mohammed received his revelation, he referred to "The people of the Book", meaning Jews, Christians, and Muslims, because all three religions use and believe in the Bible. Jews use the Torah, or Old Testament; Christians use the Torah and New Testament, and Muslims use the Torah, New Testament, and Koran.

What do christians understand the Torah to be?

The Jewish version of their teachings.

Do Christians believe the Torah was from Moses?

A:Yes. Most Christians believe this, although those who have studied the Bible are less likely to do so.

Why Christians don't read the Torah?

Because it's not their holy book like the bible is

What is speacial about the Torah?

The Torah is the five books that God gave to Moses. The Torah is considered to be the word of God by Jews. Christians follow the Old Testament which is a variation of the Torah with some mistranslations. To Jews there is nothing old about it, it is the eternal word of God and there is no 'New' Testament.

What is the holy writing for Christians?

This is know as the Bible, which includes the Hebrew Torah and letters writen by the apostles.

Why do Jews use a crown for the Torah?

To honor the Torah and glorify it.

Which religions holy book is called the qur'an?

Qur'an or Koran ------> Islam Bible ------> Christians Torah ------> Jews

How would you use Torah in a sentence?

torah is the law of God as given to Moses. The Torah is important to follow

Do Christians use a rosery?

Not all Christians use a rosary but many Roman Catholic Christians do.