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i think that it depends because some people go thru different things. and you can believe in god and just be ready to be with him. the people that had nothing to do with god will go to hell. some people try there best to he alive and are just ready to go and people fight demons and have so much going on in there head that they cant deal with. some people try there best and don‘t make it.

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Delilah McCarter

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3y ago
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13y ago

If they have truly put their faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior then they will go to Heaven. All true Christians can come to a point of despair. Even Paul did. God has always given true believers a way out of problems. Not suicide, but some other way. The best way to find away out of problems is through pray, and reading The Bible. God may not remove the problem, but will help you through it. I want to make this clear I am not advocating suicide! That puts the greatess guilt on the family and friends that are left behind. Always wondering if they could have done something to prevent it or not. But back to the question. It is only a catholic tradition that you go to Hell if you commit suicide. No where in the Bible does it spell out that doing so is an automatic ticket to Hell. But I Strongly suggest any Christian in the state of thinking about it should see a pastor and/or get into a "real christian support group" as soon as possible.

AnswerSuicide is a mortal sin, as the taking of life, even if one's own, without sufficient reason is a violation of the fifth commandment "Thou shalt not kill". A suicide is therefore not given a Catholic burial, nor buried in consecrated soil in order to publicly demonstrate to the Church the gravity of this sin.

Whether the soul of the suicide goes to Heaven or Hell, however, cannot be assumed. The evidence would suggest hell, but no one can tell if God did not give one last moment of mercy whereby the person may have repented at the last second.

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11y ago

The Fifth Commandment says it all: "Thou Shalt Not Kill." This means that all human life is sacred, as we are made in the Image of God, and should be treated with respect and dignity from the moment of conception till its natural end. So, in short, the Church recognizes that if one is in a state of despair and cannot make a reasoned decision to continue life he has diminished responsibility for his actions and is committed to God's Mercy.

See the link below for the Church's Official Teaching on Suicide.

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Your moms a catholic

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15y ago

not heaven

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Q: Do Catholics go to hell if they commit suicide?
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Is suicide a mortal sin and apparently go to hell?

Firstly life isgods gift, not meant to be ended by suicide.It takes courage to commit suicide , but only cowards commit suicide, do not throw this life so easily . God gives life and god takes life. Those who commit suicide will go to hell.

What happens to those people who commit suicide?

They go to hell. Unless they believe in god. Then they probably go to heaven.

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The reason does not matter, you will go to hell if you commit suicide. That is if you believe in hell or heaven, that's just the Church's rules.

If you commit suicide do you go straight to hell?

Some say so. I think the threat is to dissuade people from suicide, particularly when it's the result of depression, which is treatable. Many people who do commit suicide are mentally ill and not considered responsible for their actions.

Does the bible say you will go to hell if you commit suicide?

The Bible does not explicitly state that a person will go to hell for committing suicide. Different Christian denominations have varying beliefs on this topic. It is important to seek guidance from a religious leader or counselor if this is a concern for you.

Do you go straight to hell when you commit suicide?

Yes you go to Hell it is a sin to kill yourself if you are a child of God then the urge to kill yourself shold not be there. Again it is a sin and so stated in the Bible.

Where do you go when you commit suicide?

a better place than where you was when you was alive.

Do Muslims go to heaven if they commit suicide because of depression?

No, suicide is completely forbidden to Muslims and they shall not get to heaven no matter why they commit suicide. This is found in many places in both Qu'ran and Hadith.

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