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Catholic AnswerNo, it is missing an imprimatur and nihili obstat as it is missing the Deutero canonical books of the Old Testament.
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Q: Do Catholics accept the Holman Christian Standard Bible?
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Christian's don't accept evolution. They (I) believe God created the world. Genisis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. ___ "Christian's don't accept evolution". Many Christians, for example many Roman Catholics and Episcopalians, do in fact accept evolution and reject the view that Christianity is simply 'the Religion of the Book' ... They leave that distinction (if one may call it such) to Islam.

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Catholics do not deny the existence of Mary Magdalene and neither do the Jews. The Jews do not accept that Jesus was the Messiah and, therefore, do not accept the New testament as a part of Scripture. They do not deny that Jesus or Mary Magdalene existed.

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The belief in a trinity The belief that Jesus was DivineThe belief in the Christian TestamentChristian observances (Christmas, Easter, communion, Church, etc.)Christian beliefs in generalSee also:Why didn't the Jews accept Jesus?

Why Christian cannot accept Muhammad?

Because it goes against the Bible.