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I hope not. Every life is important.


The Samurai of Japan followed Zen Buddhism. If their master indicated a person should be killed, if the person offered an insult or insubordination, was an enemy, a challenger, or just handy to test the edge on a sword - he (or she) was dead.

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Q: Do Buddhists kill
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Do Buddhists kill animals for meat?

Buddhist are usually vegetarians, but in modern times there are many buddhists who consume meat.

Does Buddhism kill animals?

No. Practicing Buddhists do not kill animals. This is the first of the Five Noble Precepts.

How do Buddhists treat animals?

they don't kill them. cuz there not horribubble. tis a sin to kill dem yall. booyakashaa

Why don't Buddhists eat beef?

Because when you eat meat you kill a animal to eat it and they don't want to kill so that's why Buddhists don't eat meat.

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Buddhists monks kill Muslims in Burma and they see it as justice

What do buddhist eat for breakfast?

Buddhists are allowed to eat anything that is offered to them, including meat and fish, as long as they did not kill the meat or fish or the meat or fish was not killed specifically for them. The Buddha ate meat and actually died after eating tainted pork. Many Buddhists are vegetarians because of their compassion for all sentient beings; that is, if they stopped eating meat and fish then there would be less of a need for producers to kill the animals and fish.

What are buddhas food rules?

Buddhists are allowed to eat anything that is offered to them including meat. Buddhists are not allowed to kill or have someone else kill for them, any sentient being (any non-plant life). Because of their great compassion for all living things, many Buddhists are vegetarians. One reason is because even if you didn't kill or have someone kill for you, let's say, a chicken, for your dinner, by buying the packaged chicken you are indirectly keeping someone employed to kill chickens; that is if we all stopped eating chickens no chickens would be killed.

Can Buddhist's Eat Fish?

Buddhists can eat anything they want as long as they don't either (1) kill it themselves or (2) Ask someone else to kill it. Many Buddhists prefer to be vegetarians since they may consider that if they refused meat or fish someone else wouldn't kill it in anticipation of them eating it, but the Buddha indicated that followers may eat anything that was offered.

What do you call people who believe in Buddha?

People who believe in Buddha are commonly called Buddhists. They practice Buddhism

Do Buddhists worship Allah?

No. Buddhists do not worship, period.

Who teatches Buddhists to meditate?

Usually, more experienced Buddhists.

What is a stupas?

It is a place for Buddhists to meditate.