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No, that is more in line with the Hindu belief of reincarnation; There are no castes in Buddhism. Buddhists believe that the way you live your life ie. the karma you create affects where in Samsara you will be reborn (heavens, hells, animals etc.).

This is not to say that karma affects Hindu's or anyone else differently than Buddhists. So, yes, the way you live your life would influence, not determine, the caste into which you are born. But, there are many influences in karma. It is as complex as your intentions and actions.


May I say that a rigid caste structure doesn't exist in Buddhism but I have heard explanations of the six realms as a metaphor for the variety of the human condition as well as separate realms themselves.

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Q: Do Buddhists believe that the way you live your life will determine the caste you will be reborn to?
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