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The Tripitaka (three baskets) is a set of books that contains the Buddha's teachings. It is comprised of the Sutras, sermons and teachings of Buddha; Abhidharma, discourses on interpretation of the doctrine; and Vinay, rules for monks and nuns in monastic life. So the Tripitaka defines what Buddhism is and how we are to live our lives.

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13y ago

No. However, the Buddha's teachings were transmitted orally for centuries and eventually written down. If you would like to read an anthology of them, here are two excellent ones: BASIC TEACHINGS OF THE BUDDHA, Glenn Wallis, ed. (Modern Library) and IN THE BUDDHA'S WORDS, Bhikkhu Bodhi, ed. (Wisdom).


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Yes, there are literally hundreds. Some are books document the Buddha's teachings. Others are by Buddhists masters who explain the teachings (called the Dharma). Go to any on-line book seller and type in Buddhism, there will be quite a number of responses.

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10y ago

No there are not any holy books for buddhism

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All books related to Buddhism are sacred and considered sacred books.

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Does buddhism have any imortant writings or holy books?

Yes Buddhism does have holy books, and they are very important to Buddhist. The Tipitaka, is the believed to be the direct words of the Buddha.

Is it correct that there is no 'holy book' in Zen Buddhism?

Given that Buddhism in general has no deity, and "Holy Books" are inspired by a deity, it follows that Buddhism has no holy books. Buddhism does have a number of texts and writing reflecting the teachings of the Buddha and commentaries on these writings, These would be regarded as significant writings worth studying. A key consideration is that Zen Buddhism relies on an individual interpretation of the application of Buddhist principles to life. Interpretations provided by a book or instruction are suspect. As the Samurai koan states "If you meet the Buddha on the road - kill him."

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There is no holy person or deity in Buddhism

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The Torah is a Jewish holy book, it is not related to Buddhism.

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Buddha wrote no books holy or otherwise. Buddhism rejects the concept of "holy" as it implies reliance on a deity. The records of Buddha's discussions and the analysis of his philosophies was done by others.

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The holy book of Buddhism is called the Tipitaka. It is written in Pali which is an olden Indian language. It is very voluminous and the English version has about forty volumes.

Do Buddhism has a prophets or holy persons?

Technically, Buddhism's holy persons, such as Gautama Buddha would be considered gurus.

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In Hinduism, there are many sacred books including the Vedas. Hinduism doesn't have a single Holy Book which has to be followed, as Hinduism is a way of life than a religion.However, in Buddhism, there are different opinions ranging from:"Buddhism is not a religion. It does not have a "holy" book." to"The Lotus Sūtra (Saddharmapuṇḍarīka Sūtra) is worth reading to know about Mahāyāna sūtras."Please see the related questions to know more about them.

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Is there a Holy book on Buddhism if so what is it?
