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Yea baptists' do believe in healing by hand in the name of Jesus

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Rhonda Meyers

Lvl 1
1y ago
Never did my father talk about this he had his doctorate in theology

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Q: Do Baptist believe laying on of hands and healing?
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What do Christians today believe about healing and how do they put this into action?

does healing work chistians believe in healing i am christian and yes i DO believe in the power of healing. through prayer AND the laying of hands. i also believe that God can anoint individuals for the purpose of healing as well. (See Luke 9:1-6) i believe this firsthand b/c God has anointed me in the area of healing and i have experienced several healing manifestations. YES!!! YES!!! GOD STILL HEALS TODAY!!!!

Do the AME Church believe in speaking tongues and laying of hands?

The ones that I know of do believe that.

What is the duration of Healing Hands?

The duration of Healing Hands is 2700.0 seconds.

What is the therapeutic touch?

Therapeutic touch, or TT, is a noninvasive method of healing that was derived from an ancient laying--on of hands technique. In TT, the practitioner alters the patient's energy field through an energy transfer that moves from the hands.

When was Healing Hands created?

Healing Hands was created on 1998-08-31.

When did Healing Hands end?

Healing Hands ended on 1998-10-10.

When was Healing Hands of Time created?

Healing Hands of Time was created in 1994.

What is the duration of Healing Hands II?

The duration of Healing Hands II is 2700.0 seconds.

What is the duration of Healing Hands III?

The duration of Healing Hands III is 2700.0 seconds.

When was Healing Hands II created?

Healing Hands II was created on 2000-11-20.

When did Healing Hands II end?

Healing Hands II ended on 2001-01-12.

When did Healing Hands III end?

Healing Hands III ended on 2005-09-16.