Do Jehovah Witnesses consider themselves to be the only authentic expression of Christianity?
Actually we consider ourselves to be 'MORE THAN' Christian; - - beyond being simply Christian.Anyone can claim to be Christian. We will allow Jehovah God, and Christ Jesus to judge regarding who are 'authentic Christians'; and those who are 'self-proclaimed' Christians.As you well notice, we do not call ourselves 'Jehovah's Christian Witnesses'. We leave the word 'Christian' out of our designation. Therefore we find no need to respond to a question about authentic 'Christians' or not.Even others, like the questioner, considers us to be 'more than' Christian.That's why others refer to --us-- as: JEHOVAH's Witnesses. By calling us that, they acknowledge what they view us as. They recognize us as JEHOVAH's (authentic) Witnesses.In our house-to-house ministry, when we've asked others if 'they are Jehovah's Witnesses' - - they answer 'NO' with such speed, and so emphatically. They thus deny out of their own mouths being authentic Witnesses of Jehovah God.So YES, both the questioner, and others, do consider us to be the only authentic expression as Jehovah's Witnesses.Likewise we ourselves refer to ourselves as JEHOVAH's Witnesses. We do not call anyone else such. So from that angle also; YES, we consider ourselves to be the only authentic expression of being true Witnesses of Jehovah God.