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I think both IJMA & QIYAS are indirectly related to the legal teachings of Holy Qur'an and Sunnah as the Consensus (Ijma) cannot be possible to conduct unless it is verified that the developed consensus are not against the spirit of the teachings of Qur'an by all Muslim Jurists; similarly, Qiyas in which One Muslim Jurist Declares a decision of a dispute or suggests a solution to a problem in the light of the teachings of Qur'an and Sunnah and , other Muslim Jurists are quite on the declaration of that One Muslim Jurist, hence showing their tacit assent (Khamosh Raza mandi).
Relevant evidence--- Teachings of Holy Qur'an in 3:139 ; 4:58 & 59
and; " ...and Behold the rope (BooK of guidance) of Allah..."
" " Sayings of Prophet (SAWS) in his Last Sermon:
" .....I am leaving among you the Book (Holy Qur'an), ....If you will follow it, you will never go wrong".

"Allah Pak! forgive me for any omission or addition in coding Your teachings and the teachings of beloved Muhammad (SAWS)........ Aameen."

Khalid Hameed Sohrwardy.

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The sources of Islam on which all beliefs, principles and rulings are based are represented by the two Revelations:

the Qur'aan and Sunnah of prophet muhamamd (peace be upon him) that is what hadeeth mentions.

From these two sources the scholars derived other principles on which rulings may be based. Some scholars called them the sources of sharee'ah or the sources of Islamic legislation. They are: ijmaa' (scholarly consensus) and qiyaas (analogy).

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Q: Discuss the relationship between ijma qiyas and other sources of shariah?
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