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There are many types of religion. Here is a list including some of the world's major religions: Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism. Of course there are many sects within these religions.

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Some perhaps would say there are many types of religions, however I would say only 2. True and false. It is up to us to find out the truth and reject the false. You could use doctrines and beliefs as a basis but you would also want to look at actions. Some now try to interpret what The Bible says and make it more modern when its wisdom is timeless. Some try and excuse their actions by saying God loves everybody but clearly the scriptures condemn certain types of behavior. 2 Timothy 3:5 says some people would appear to have godliness but proved false to its power.

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10y ago

There are thousands of offshoots/sects identified as religions but the different types of existing world religions are Sabean, Hindu, Buddhist, Zoroastrian, Jewish, Christian, Islam, and the Baha'i Faith.

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15y ago

Now that is not a difficul answer. There is many different types of religions. If you wnt to know about major religions like Buddhism, Judaism, Hinduism, and of course Christianity, I personally suggest this site:

This website has from Christianity to occult/witchcraft. This site has the basic needs to finding what you are looking for as for religions. It includes: Where this religion started, Who invented it, and so on and so forth.

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10y ago

There are quite a number of religions in the world today. Examples of religions that exist include Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism.

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14y ago

There are several types of religious beliefs. One is Roman Catholics, Jews, Rastas (non-meat eaters, have faith in a man). Finally there are Amish people, and Seventh Day Adventists.

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12y ago

There are many types of religions in the world. Most popular are: Islam, Chritianity, Buddhism, Hindu... and a lot more

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