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Q: Did tradition exist before the writing of the new testament and helped in its formation?
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Why is oral history important before writing was invented?

why was oral tradition important before writing was invented

What was it like before writing was invented?

people passed down the stories of generations before them through oral tradition

Why is Alexander the Great not mentioned in bible?

Alexander the Great was born after the writing of the last book of the Old Testament and died before the events described in the New Testament.

Do short stories stems from the oral tradition of story telling?

All stories stem from the oral tradition, yes. We spoke before we invented writing.

How is tradition essential to the Catholic faith?

The Gospels are only a brief summary of the life and ministry of Our Lord. He was active preaching for about 3 and a half years and only a fraction of what was said and done is recorded. The apostles handed down much more information verbally that became known as tradition. To be honest, most of the Old Testament is based on tradition. It was handed down from generation to generation verbally before it was finally put into writing.

How old was St. Anne mother of Mary before she died?

There is no tradition or apocryphal writing that answers that question. We do not know.

Was the New Testament written before old testament?


What should I know before writing my last will in testament?

In your last will and testament you will declare how and to whom all of your assets are to go upon your death. If you have minor children, you will need the name of the party or parties you wish to name as guardian for your children until they are adults.

What parts of the bible where written before and after jesus' death?

The old testament before. The new testament after.

Did Jesus ever put His seal of approval on the New Testament books as he did the Old Testament books?

There is no direct record of Jesus specifying the canonical books of the New Testament during his lifetime. The formation of the New Testament canon was a process that developed over centuries through the early Church's discussions and decisions.

What did Indians use as writing paper?

The culture was an oral tradition, there was no written language. So before Western colonisations native americans had no such thing as "writing paper". Since then, various tribes have adopted the roman alphabet for some written purposes.

Did the Hebrew scribes begin writing the Torah during King Solomon's reign?

Some scholars believe they did. Tradition holds that it was written centuries before that, but this seems unlikely.