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gold, frankincense, and myrhh

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Jesus was NOT born at Christmas Time

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Q: Did they give Jesus gifts when he was born?
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Why do you give gifts to each other at Christmas?

you give people gifts because the wise men gave gifts to Jesus

Why do you give each other gifts at Christmas?

The wise men brought gifts to Jesus after His birth.

Why do you have gifts on Christmas?

Because it's Jesus b-day and instead of giving gifts to him we give them to others and we receive gifts.

Who was the vistors from the east when Jesus was born?

The three Kings otherwise known as the three wise men. They are said to have travelled from the east to Bethlehem to give Jesus their gifts and to worship him.

Why was cristmas made?

Because that was the day baby Jesus was born and wisemen from the East gave gifts to him. So when you give a gift to someone, its like giving a gift to Jesus.

How many gifts Jesus was give?

Gold, frankincense and myrrh.

Why did they give Jesus gifts?

respects cuz he was the king and they knew it

Why did Jesus give spiritual gifts to peter and the apostles?

The Lord Jesus gave spiritual gifts to his disciples to enable them be effective withnesses. Acts 1,8

Did anybody ever give gifts to Jesus after the wise men?


What do people in america do at Christmas?

Celebrate Jesus' birthday and give gifts

What is the purpose of giving gifts during Christmas?

When Jesus was born everybody brought Mary presents so on Christmas we give gifts to each other in honor of everybody giving Mary presents

Why did the shepherds give Jesus the gifts?

The shepherds did not give Jesus gifts; it was the wise men (Three Kings) who presented gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh to Jesus. They offered these gifts as symbols of his royalty, divinity, and eventual sacrifice.