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The effects of the Renaissance (1300s-1700s, approx.) affected music, architecture, art, and culture in general.

One of the most dramatic was a formal break from the dogma of Roman Catholocism and the "rebirth" of older philosophic ideas and the merging of then modern Christianity with these older ideas.

These included Pythagorean, Qabalistic, Gnostic and a variety of Pagan ideas, none of which had much to do with genuine, Bible-based Christianity.

Within the Church itself the main rift was the breakaway of what we now call Protestant Christianity, under the influence of the German priest Martin Luther (1483-1546).

Of arguably greater importance was the Age of Enlightenment (began in late 1700s), when scientists of the time began to claim greater knowledge of the world, the cosmos and their workings than religious leaders, effectively setting themselves up as the new "priesthood".

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