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Q: Did the Turks make the Muslims convert to Christianity?
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Which ethnicities religions and languages can be found in Germany?

The minorities of Germany include: Turks, Serbians, Croatians, Frisians, and Romani. The major religion of Germany is Christianity. Muslims also make up a significant portion of the religious followers in Germany.

Can a Muslim convert to Christianity?

Yes. Muslims can and do convert to Christianity, just as some Christians convert to Islam. In both cases, the religious leaders will frown upon the change and threaten hellfire, but if you are no longer convinced of the truth of the old religion this will not matter. In some countries there may be laws and social customs intended to make the conversion difficulty or impossible.

How did Isabella I make all of Spain Catholic?

First they established the Inquisition in 1478. This was initially intended to assure that Muslims in conquered area did, indeed, convert to Christianity. In 1492 they defeated the last Muslims in Spain. The Muslims could either convert or leave. Later they simply expelled the Muslims. Finally they expelled the Jews. Later the nature of the Inquisition changed and it became much harsher.

What contribution did Muslims and Christianity make to your world today?

they help us know more about our religion

What is the religion of Brunei?

The official religion in Brunei is Islam, and Muslims make up the majority of the population. However, there are other religions practised in Brunei, such as Christianity and Buddhism.

Should you convert to Islam?

A:Whether you should become a Muslim depends on your spiritual goals and is a decision that should be made by you alone. Some people do convert from Christianity to Islam just as, in countries where this is permitted, some people convert from Islam to Christianity. There are other alternatives such as Buddhism, Wicca or atheism. It is your decision to make.

Does Islam advocate violence to convert non-believers?

No Islam respects the free will of anyone to make his/her own choice of beliefs and faiths. Muslims never used violence or force to push non Muslims to convert to Islam. Muslims were in control of India over one thousand years and never obliged Indians to convert to Islam. The same is true in Spain. The spread of Islam was (and till present) through free will of people.

Can Muslims drink alcohol in Turkey?

Yes, anyone and everyone is allowed to drink any day and anytime. i think they actually drink more than most of the Christian countries. The question fails to distinguish between possibility and permissibility. While most Turks are Muslims and drink quite a bit, they are still violating Islamic Law by doing so. The Turks just choose not to make a legal issue out of this (as opposed to Saudi Arabia).

How do you make Muslims eat the pork?

I wonder what the question is about. Any how, eating Pork is strictly and explicitly forbidden for Muslims to eat. Also forbidden in Judaism and Christianity religions although most Christians eat it. Refer to the related question for more information.

Can Muslims make friends with Christians?

Yes, of course. They are already friends except when Muslims get attacked by Christians then Muslims have to defend themselves. Another view: In many parts of the Middle East today, Christians are being persecuted and murdered by muslims. They have to either convert to Islam, flee, or die. It's not the Christians doing the attacking, but groups like ISIS.

Why did Saladin seize Christianity in Jerusalem?

The question does not make much sense. Christianity is a religion; it cannot be seized. If the question is trying to ask why Saladin seized Jerusalem from the Christians, it was because the city had been under Islamic control for over 300 years and many Muslims believed that they had the right to govern it as they had for centuries.

Where do Turks live?

Turks live predominantly in Turkey. There are also large numbers of Turks living in Europe (over 5 million), especially Germany which has a Turkish population of 3 million. Turks also make up 10% of Bulgaria's population.