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Roman Catholic AnswerThe Church's spiritual power comes from the fact that it is the Mystical Body of Christ established by God, and guided by the Holy Spirit. It is an not possible for it to "give up" this power.
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Q: Did the Catholic church willingly give up its power?
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What factors contributed to the increasing power of the Roman Catholic Church?

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Why did King Henry VIII establish the Roman Catholic church?

He did not establish the Roman Catholic Church. He established the Church of England. He wanted to be both head of state and of the Church. The pope, the head of the Catholic church had a lot of power and influence, and he wanted that power Also, he wanted a annulment of his marriage that the pope wouldn't give him. So he made a new church.

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There is no "Roman" Catholic Church, it's just the Catholic Church. I imagine that the Pope at that time was very pleased with the David statue. The statue was created to give glory to God, and is technically perfect.

What effect did the Roman Catholic Church have on society?

It's just Catholic, not Roman Catholic. Roman is an epithet first commonly used in England after the protestant revolt to describe the Catholic Church. It is never used by the official Catholic Church. The Catholic Church served to preserve learning throughout the "Dark Ages." It also tended to provide some cohesion to the disparate European states as well as an important arbiter of political disagreements.

Can you tell if a church is catholic or protestant by the name?

It depends on what its name is. If it is, for example, 'The Church of Our Lady', it is Catholic, as Protestants do not give that title to Mary. On the other hand, if it is, for example, 'St John's', it could be either.

What does the Catholic church do for victims in society?

They usually give them donated money. but it depends on their condition. 'Victims of society' could be depression, poverty or even abuse at home. in which case the Catholic church would give them councilling or find them a better place to live

Can you give a sentences with the word willingly?

I am willingly answering your question. The man willingly went into the city to see could he help after the disaster. She willingly went to the police station for questioning about the crime.

Who was in charge of the California missions?

State of California and the Catholic Church. They are considered state historical property, but the Catholic Church has services, performs weddings and funerals. Depending on the mission state Rangers give tours.