Because their pagans and their conscious couldn't bear them to proclaim his true name.
The name 'Yahweh' derives from the Old Testament name of God YHWH which is suppose to be unpronounceable as the name of God was never to be spoken. It is too sacred and it should not be profaned by using it in human speech. Remember, the word 'God' is not His name but only a description, such as the words pope, king or mayor. The Catholic Church, in recent years, is returning to its Jewish roots and it has been recommended that congregations refrain from using the term Yahweh and to no longer use hymns that include that term or derivatives of the word such as Jehovah.
His personal name is either Jehovah or Yahweh.
It is not mythology. The name 'Yahweh' derives from the Old Testament name of God YHWH which is suppose to be unpronounceable as the name of God was never to be spoken. It is too sacred and it should not be profaned by using it in human speech. Remember, the word 'God' is not His name but only a description, such as the words pope, king or mayor. The Catholic Church, in recent years, is returning to its Jewish roots and it has been recommended that congregations refrain from using the term Yahweh and to no longer use hymns that include that term or derivatives of the word such as Jehovah.
Perhaps you are thinking of the Hebrew name for God, J_HW_H, which is pronounced among Catholics as "Yahweh", and among some other faith communities as "Jehovah". The Vatican recently directed that the practice of including the holy name of God,"Yahweh," introduced into some hymns shortly after Vatican II, should be discontinued in Catholic liturgies.
God's name, as mentioned in the Old Testament, is YHWH, which is not pronounceable because it is too sacred to be spoken. Some have transliterated it to Yahweh but the Church now recommends that even that word not be used in liturgies.
The word YHWH which we pronounce Yahweh was removed from all Catholic liturgy and hymns out of respect for an ancient Jewish tradition that the name never be spoken. YHWH is not pronounceable.
It is not so much a question of Yahweh being part of Catholic 'mythology' which isn't mythology, it's religion. As to whether Yahweh is identified as God in this religion, the answer would be 'yes' because Yahweh is the literal translation of the name of God in the Bible, which in the Jewish faith was the name of God that could not be uttered. The literal appearance of the name in the Hebrew language is YHWH, as there are no vowels in the alphabet. As the original biblical name of God in the Old Testament (Torah too), from which we derive 'Jehovah', YHWH is indispensable to Catholicism.
Yahweh ben Yahweh was born on 1935-10-27.
The Father's name is Yahweh. The Son's name is Yahweh Ben Yahweh.
Yahweh is the Hebrew name for God.