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Q: Did john the apostle live in Ephesus?
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What town did Saint John the Apostle live in?

Saint John the Apostle lived in Ephesus in modern-day Turkey.

Did Jesus's mom go to the crucixion?

She was with the apostle John during Jesus' crucifixion. After His death, legend has it that she went to live with John in Ephesus, an early center of Christianity. Ephesus is located in modern day Turkey.

Did John the Baptist take Mary to Ephesus after Jesus died?

NO ... John the Baptist died before Jesus. The Virgin Mary went with the Apostle John to Ephesus.

When did Saint John the Apostle die?

John died about the year AD100 in Ephesus, Asia Minor.

When did the apostle John move to the ancient city of Ephesus?

There is no evidence that John, son of Zebedee, ever went to either Patmos or Ephesus. However, because the Book of Revelation was signed by a person called John, a tradition developed that this John was the apostle John, that he was exiled to Patmos and that he then went to Ephesus, perhaps for as long as 26 years.

Where was Saint John the Apostle buried?

Saint John the Apostle is traditionally believed to have been buried in Ephesus, Turkey. His tomb is said to be located inside the Basilica of St. John, which was built over his grave in the 6th century.

Who is the apostle or disciple that went to Ephesus with Mary mother of Jesus?

Saint John the Apostle was the person appointed by Our Lord to care for his mother.

Where did Mary Mother of Christ move to after his death?

Tradition says that Mary may have moved to Ephesus in Asia Minor (Turkey) with St. John the Apostle.

What early writer recorded that John wrote the Gospel of John when John was in Ephesus?

A:Irenaeus was probably the earliest writer to state that the apostle John visited Ephesus, late in the second century. It is probably too strong a word to say that he 'recorded' this, since we now know that John did not actually write the gospel that bears his name, and he is unlikely to have ever gone to the region of Ephesus.

Did they go to Ephesus?

It was destroyed due to wars and earthquakes.

When was John of Ephesus born?

John of Ephesus was born in 507.

Where did St. John the apostle take Blessed Mother Mary to live after Jesus' burial?

St. John the apostle took Blessed Mother Mary to his own home in Jerusalem. This is supported by the Bible verse John 19:27, which states that Jesus told John to take care of Mary as his own mother, and Mary to treat John as her own son.